The harsh story of a Colombian who married an Italian and lived through hell of mistreatment and abuse in Europe


    Italy.  EFE / EPA / CESARE ABBATE / Archivo
Italy. EFE / EPA / CESARE ABBATE / Archivo

Last month, the case of a Colombian woman who married a German and suffered multiple physical, psychological and verbal assaults was revealed. The case which was popularized by social networks has put some alerts to women who wish to travel to other countries and which can be used by human trafficking networks.

According to El Tiempo, this type of violence, which usually begins with a slavish marriage, has been denounced by several women in the country. Even at the end of July, the Colombian Ombudsman’s office warned of the growth of human trafficking cases in 2021, as so far this year they have provided legal assistance to 99 victims, up from 88 in 2020.

Now, the Efe agency has published the case of a Colombian woman named Sonia, who in 2013 was abused by her Italian husband, once she moved to the European country. The woman’s story begins with a contact at work that asked her to work with foreign talent.

Sonia was working as a music representative and a friend who was a producer from another country suggested that just as he negotiated with Colombian talent, she should do the same with Europeans. “I told him to give me CVs to see what we could do” and that’s how he contacted Max, his future attacker.

After seeing the CVs, the representative contacted Max and other Italian musicians to organize an event. Everything went well, but in the process, the subject ended up wooing her and inviting her out. At first, Sonia was not very sure because she had three children and was divorced and was a little afraid of love, but at one point and after talking to several people, she decided that it was time to get married. give a new opportunity.

The first few months everything happened and Sonia and Max had a very good relationship. Everything was so positive that they got engaged and on December 27, 2012 they got married in Colombia. Then the foreigner traveled so that she could take care of her personal affairs while Sonia arranged everything in Colombia so that she could go and live in Italy.

At six months the Colombian traveled: “I arrived in Spain in March 2013. He paid me the ticket and from there to Rome I paid for it. Normal “. The day she set foot on Italian soil, her drama began.” It was winter, it was very cold, I had no phone and it took me over an hour to come and pick me up. I asked a hostess for the phone number and when I asked her why she hadn’t arrived she said, “What do you think? I work. “He arrived very late and I thought he had a welcome for me,” the woman said.

But things got worse, because when he got to the apartment which was on the sixth floor, he realized that it was dirty and that there were clothes, sanitary napkins and other items. .

“It was disgusting and the first thing he wanted was to sleep with me. I refused, I was in a bad mood and tired. I had a stomach ache.” The Italian apologized, but he had already planted a seed of mistrust in her, moreover, when she made the complaint and asked him to clean up, the subject’s response was “that’s why you are”.

But the arguments and arguments did not end there, as one day she was talking on the phone and the enraged man took her away and left her without any contact. “It left me without appeal, without the Internet.” All promises to work in this country were unclear, in fact he learned that Max was speaking to his business contacts in Colombia and inquiring about his negotiations and income. “When I complained to him, he told me that everything I owned was competing with him.”

Day after day, everything was getting worse, to the point that according to Sonia’s words, Max mistreated her in a very aberrant way.

“I was raped. He told me that Colombians must be sexy women, all very degrading. He used syringes, soda bottles, it was an aberration. I had gynecological devices, he m ‘said I had to be elastic “The woman recounted with great sadness and added that when she refused to continue to allow any abuse, the man began to treat her with bad words.

Tired of the situation and after having had her keys handed over to the subject, since she was even keeping her locked up, she went to the Colombian consulate to ask for help, but one of the local officials justified the behavior of the abuser, arguing that she should give him time. . Justice has even turned its back on him because “The judges here say that Colombian women are prostitutes and thieves. They even said that my only intention was to get money from my husband ”.

With no help and no money, the Colombian returned to the apartment and continued to think about how to escape, until one day Sonia was typing on the home computer. . “He told me what he was doing and I told him I was working on my CV. He became hysterical. “A few minutes later he only felt the pain from a blow to the face.” He hit me with a coffee maker. I felt a lot of pain, but I didn’t think only to escape ”.

Although she defended herself, the subject, taking advantage of the fact that she was bigger, hit her in multiple ways until she was almost unconscious, but when Sonia thought she was all right. stop there, she saw a glass on the floor and threatened him until she could reach the entrance and escape. When the apartment came out, a Colombian helped her and took her to the hospital. There, they helped her, called the police, and activated a protection lane.

Eventually, she learned that the subject she married only wanted her to get her into a human trafficking ring. Currently, She continues her lawsuit against Max in Italy, but this has not prospered and she has not been able to find her contacts to work in Colombia, because the subject has closed all doors to her, including that of her family, with whom nowadays they no longer speak. .


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