The hate vote | Political panorama


The mother died, Tiger Verón closed his fists and hid the face behind the pugilist guard. Life of the box. The animal instinct of the tiger makes everything turn into a ring and violence. This Polka series on the life of a trade union leader of meat was created just at the beginning of the election campaign, on which it wraps itself on a tangential side, but which has an impact on the kidneys. Coincidence: journalist Daniel Muchnik rose up against unionist Sergio Palazzo and said that in the US, union violence had ended as soon as they had kidnapped Hoffa, the truck driver. Suggestion, justification. More coincidences in the same line: with unusual cruelty, the nun Martha Pelloni, accused the tens of thousands of young people of La Cámpora to be "the arm of drug trafficking in the politics of Cristina Kirchner" and MP Elisa Carrió added that "Some traffic and many consume." He follows the cascade of bosta: Elisa Carrió said that Cristina Kirchner had gone to Cuba to meet in secret the Russians. Miguel Angel Pichetto and Jorge Macri said that Axel Kicillof was a Marxist, as if it were true and as an insult. Argentina dates back decades in the campaign speech chosen by the ruling party as it threw society into an intolerant and violent garbage can of Argentina over forty years ago.

The Polka series on this violent unionist, with a former alcoholic woman, a son, another drogon, the stereotypical middle clbad Peronist unionist, was based on the election campaign while several prominent businessmen were demanding a law on the flexibility of work. in line with the demands of the IMF. It is obvious that there will be resistance from the unions. The bottom of the telenovela is obvious.

The complexity of the universe of guilds is not reduced to infusing humanity with the villain and begins to run to horrify a middle clbad driven to the brink of the abyss by the false information generated in them. same backstage. And push them so that they slide in the void.

In the absence of arguments to defend a management that has ruined the country and that no longer explains by any heavy legacy, the ruling party has chosen to follow the narrow path of violent attacks and ideological demonization. The Republican proposal has no proposal as it has chosen the negative campaign, based on the denigration of the opponent. And the Republican no longer because of his violent nature and the ideological ideological discrimination he uses.

If a political force makes many promises when it is in the plain and after having governed it, it has no other argument than to revolt its competitors, that means that it does not Kept none of his promises. I surely knew that I was not going to do it. After almost four years, the gap was visible, the absolute void of real and concrete proposals to society.

In most cases, the reverse of what had been promised was done. He was going to remove the income tax and now covers more workers than before; instead of a rain of investment, the country was divested by financial speculation and capital flight. They said that no one would lose what had already been achieved and that wages fell sharply and that unemployment rose again, as in the 2002 crisis. It was said that inflation would fall and double, see more. And so on in each of the articles that make up the daily life of the vast majority of Argentines. Winners are few and all friends or relatives of the government. They can not campaign with the misfortune that they caused.

In previous election competitions, the division of labor had made the desired effect more stealthy. The candidates were determined to make promises, to be good white boys and to play with yellow balloons. The weight of the defamation campaign was carried by the intelligence services, badociated with journalists of the ruling party – or rented by him – and an area of ​​the judiciary. Hundreds of accusations have been brought up to saturate a society that has finally badumed as an implicit corruption of the truth in Kirchnerism.

But finally, there were no hidden treasures in Patagonia, there were no accounts in Seychelles, nor in Panama, nor in Delaware or the Cayman Islands, there were no "road of money" nor the secretary's bags, there was no crime of Alberto Nisman or treason of the country for the memorandum with Iran. There was no basement of money, no official was enriched by Ciccone, there was no overload of gas and the walrus had nothing to do with Aníbal Fernández. They armed the lie because the former minister was wearing a big mustache. It is only then that the intelligence services opened the doors of a high security prison, thus allowing Lanata, emblem of Clarín group journalist, to interview the badbadins of the triple crime of General Rodríguez and to create the history of the walrus.

They were all wrong. Communicators who have made these accusations should acknowledge, at least, that they had lied.

On this occasion, the dirty campaign is for the candidates themselves. The officialist press is not enough anymore. Mauricio Macri, as president and candidate, was interviewed on time by CNN and joined the bosta waterfall. He said that Palazzo was "a provocateur and a prepotent"; that the Todos Front candidate, Alberto Fernandez "only knows how to lie" and that a triumph of opposition was "dreaded in the world" and would mean "the destruction of the future of the Argentines" .

He could not claim any action from his government rather than lying with the false "tolerance of press freedom" and named two of the very few critical media: the C5N and PageI12 cable channels, which rightly support the judicial persecution and discrimination with public policy. At this point, the camera focuses on him and the gesture of his face betrays him when he formulates these statements more false than a four pesos bill.

Let's change this violent campaign for more reason. In principle, because there is no other speech since it can show no success in its management. But in addition, the polls give quite homogeneous results. It is therefore strategic to settle the dispute for the undecided and for every vote that can be obtained.

The undecided are torn by two competing and powerful factors. On the one hand, the crisis destroyed them. On the other hand, they were vaccinated with anti-Peronist and anti-Kirchnerist hate. The only argument that remains to macrismo is to stimulate this hatred for that they forget the crisis, the anguish of the salary and the instability or the lack of work, the extreme adjustment of their consumption elementary, the increase of misery and poverty. , of the narrow future they left to their children.

Every point that the Front of all can reach and change in this career will be strategic. Another conclusion that stems from this option chosen by the ruling party to carry out its campaign is that hatred, the famous crack they denounced themselves, was inspired by a practice they have already converted into methodology.

To make a nun on television accusing tens of thousands of young people of drug trafficking without proof is a call to hatred and violence. Nobody likes drug trafficking that corrupts and destroys young people. And the political activism of young people rightly takes them away from this path. Many criticisms can be made that induce a debate or a cross of positions. But denouncing them as drug traffickers or bribes replaces the political discussion with a police act.

The credits claim boleo, without proof, without names. They are worse than prejudices because they are formulated to create prejudices. And a society with prejudices like those promoted by the nun, it is hell.


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