The head of Banco Nación assured that the employees will have their position


The president of Banco Nación, Javier González Fraga confirmed La Nueva. to rebuild the building burned in the early hours of Saturday, at the same time as it brought peace of mind to the employees of the entity, noting that " everyone will have their job. "

"Our intention is to rebuild the building, we have to wait for the report of the technical experts to give us more details about this possibility, but I think it will be feasible, since, after what I see, the structure is in good condition, "said Gonzalez Fraga, amid a tour of the facilities.

González Fraga in # BahíaBlanca after the fire at Banco Nación:

– La Nueva. (@lanuevaweb) 29 July 2018

He also confirmed that "nothing important has been lost, the safety deposit boxes are intact and the treasure has entered. All employees will see their work insured in the following weeks, since we will distribute them through the branches of Ingeniero White, Villa Miter, Don Bosco and Punta Alta. "

He adds that There will also be staff from the entity founded at the initiative of President Carlos Pellegrini on mobile phones with ATMs that have already been installed in Rivadavia Square.


He also rejected the versions that reflected an intentionality behind the incident.

"We suspect, based on the evidence we have, that this is not the case. was not a arson, it was the boiler or the electrical system, the boiler did not explode, is intact, burned, but intact, this must be seen by the experts ", has it he concluded.

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