The head of the vote audit in Bol has resigned …


Arturo Espinosa resigned, the head of the mission sent to Bolivia for the The Organization of American States (OAS) will verify electoral control. Espinosa had published an opinion piece on the elections in Bolivia where he criticized Evo Morales. "I decided to withdraw from the audit so as not to compromise his impartiality. I had to inform the OAS of previous public demonstrations on the electoral process in Bolivia, "wrote Espinosa on his Twitter account.The head of the mission arrived in La Paz on Thursday with the first technicians sent by the To determine the legality of the review, his resignation took place shortly thereafter the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) gave the final calculation of the elections from October 20th. There he ratified the reelection of Morales, with 47.08% of the votes, followed by the former president Carlos Mesawith 36.51%. According to the law, for the difference of more than 10 points on Mesa, Morales won the first round of elections.


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