The heartbreaking story of a woman who was hammered by her ex-husband


A victim of gender violence She told her story and allowed the photos of the case to be released to encourage more women to report their attackers. She decided after her ex-husband left sentenced to 7 years in prison for assaulting her with a hammer and screwdriver, in England.

Alec butt, 71 years old, seriously injured in the head, arms and hands of Anna butt on Whiteladies Road in Bristol on December 28, 2019. “I thought I was going to die,” she says.

Butt was convicted of injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and sentenced by Bristol court to 7 years and 9 months in prison.

Butt, of Rylestone Grove, Bristol, she covered her face to hide her identity and pushed Anna against a wall to start her attack. In a personal statement read to the court, Anna said: “I was absolutely terrified.”

This is how the victim’s hands were left. (Photo: Avon and Somerset Constabulary)

“Throughout the attack, despite my constant attempts to counterattack and disarm my attacker, I thought I was going to die in this parking lot. I clearly remember during the incident that I continued to see the faces of my children in front of my eyes and also my parents, ”he recalls.

When I realized it was Alec, when I pulled his hood down and I confirmed what I already knew; She had been married to Alec for 18 years and was really worried that he would do something like that, ”she added.

The attack on Anna did not end until a passer-by heard her screams and called the police. Butt has denied being responsible for the attack and was convicted by juries in March.

After the sentencing on Monday, Anna urged others in her position to seek help. He agreed to police posting pictures of his injuries and the terrifying 999 call made by a witness because he could serve other women.

The assailant used a hammer and screwdriver. (Photo: Avon and Somerset Constabulary)

“I encourage anyone who is a victim of domestic violence to seek help from the police. They will support you and you are not alone“, He said.

Avon and Somerset Police CP Nina Foster, who supported Anna, said: “Alec Butt is a violent abuser. His terrifying actions are unforgivable and they rightly sent him to jail. We hope that today’s result and the courage shown by Anna will encourage other victims to contact the police or seek the support of a trusted friend or family member ”.

The photographs will shock people. But the mental and emotional scars caused by domestic violence are often hidden, and yet they tend to be more painful and lasting, ”he added.


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