The heartbreaking story of the young woman kidnapped and enslaved by a sect | the Chronicle


In a Spanish book Patricia aguilar, captured in 2016 via the Internet by the head of a sex sect from Peru and Safe two years later by your father next to him baby, tells for the first time what he lived.

Patricia, who is 22 now, was 18 when she was torn from her family by this sect, which pushed an “involuntary” flight to Peru.

Two years after returning to Spain, wrote “Your will be done” so what happened to her would help other young women spot this kind of deception.

Patricia has been manipulated to the point of making him abandon his alone week after turning 18 to go to Peru convinced that she had been chosen to repopulate the world alongside the sect’s guru, with the the imminent arrival of an apocalypse.

Written by the Spanish journalist Vanesa Lozano After hours of chatting with Patricia, he collects what he went through until the rescue, including textual dialogues on WhatsApp and other networks for a year and a half with the guru.

Also her family’s struggle until her father brings her home, Alberto Aguilar.

Patricia wants her hell “Serve” other victims, but he prefers to avoid exposing himself publicly with the release of the book because, although he is restored and with a normalized life with her daughter Naomi, who is almost two years old, the result of her relationship with her captor.

In the book, you see the evolution of the deception and “how one enters the cave of the wolf without realizing it”, as well as “the way a friendship relationship begins on the internet that turns into courtship and ends up ending at a point that seems incomprehensible. “

This protagonist unintentional deception, manipulation, abuse, harassment and even rape included a handwritten letter to her baby girl Naomi in which she explains that the book is the “only way to try to prevent this from happening again”.

The manipulator is Felix Steven Manrique, which is called himself Prince Gurdjieff and that he started writing to 16-year-old Patricia after she wrote a Facebook post about a difficult grief over the sudden death of a 29-year-old uncle who was to her almost like a brother.

Leader, who is serving 20 years in prison for human trafficking, He took advantage of the fact that “he was vulnerable, that he was looking for answers and affection” to trick him.

The young woman did not realize then what was happening because she said that in the sect “there is nothing else”, “you live trapped in an underworld with things that are not real” and “they convince you that everything on the outside is bad,” including the family, he says in the book.

Lozano argues that the book deals with the process of “deprogramming and lucidity“by which the victim gradually realizes what happened, a fundamental step for the” happy ending “that Patricia experienced.

“We are all susceptible to falling into a cult, and the peculiarity of this case is that there has never been one documented from start to finish like this,” according to Lozano, who highlights the ” generosity “of Patricia for” having opened the chain “in the pages of the book to avoid further victims of this type of criminals.


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