The heavy crossing between Juan Grabois and Ernesto Tenenbaum due to the crisis in Venezuela


After his defense by social networks to the regime of

Nicolás Maduro

and denounce a "coup de état" in


, the social leader

Juan Grabois

he played in a tense cross with the journalist

Ernesto Tenenbaun

, that he accused of not knowing the president of Honduras and of having used a dual criterion to measure the protests in the Caribbean country and those that he plays in Argentina.

The interview with Radio con Vos began with a question to Front Patria Grande about what he thought of Nicolás Maduro, to which he replied: "My position is similar to that of Uruguay and Mexico." No matter what you think of the Maduro government, it is a serious mistake and a very dangerous antecedent, the recognition of a de facto government and especially this chance to celebrate social protest methods, which are evaluated with a dual criterion that is, they are good in Venezuela, but they are bad in Argentina. "

Then he complained: "I have seen Argentine media tired of criticizing the peaceful mobilizations that we, social movements, celebrate here, the use of Molotov badtails, hoods, shields, sticks, looting, pickets, which accepts the application of violence as part of the processes of change ".

"Of course, my position is diametrically opposed to what Macri supposed, and not all countries have accepted the proclamation of the one who declared himself president without any legal basis," Grabois said in a statement. his badysis of the situation and avoiding to define the chavist leader.

Tenenbaum questioned him again about Maduro and Grabois again escaped his definition: "What I think of Maduro is an absolutely secondary question because I can not say more, I do not know the subject in depth, I see that in Venezuela there is a huge crisis that takes years, and that is solved by the dialogue ".

The most tense part of the conversation began, which lasted about 30 minutes.

"It seems to me neither neutral nor logical that you have such a clear opinion of what Guaidó is doing and that you do not have information about Maduro." The reports of the most balanced and prestigious human rights organizations in the world are shocking. electric rants, torture, persecution of opponents, shootings of protesters, imprisonment of politicians and thousands of exiles, there are no legitimate elections, since the 80s, I n & # 39; I have not seen a dictatorship conform to such a clbadic aspect. and the return of Bolsonaro is highly debatable, but when I ask you what you think of Maduro, you can not tell me that you are not informed, "the journalist told him.

Grabois took the glove and said: "You are making a description to discredit my opinion." This description is very similar to what could be done in Honduras, a country that is not on the agenda because it does not have the country's main oil reserve. Latin America, that Trump's concerns about democracy in Venezuela seem strange to me, that being concerned about the capture of Venezuela's reserves seems more likely to me, and that I am worried because I am Argentinian. Tolerate everything in Maduro, but do not approve of a military coup. "

– "But Juan, what is in Venezuela is not a military coup".

– "Many military coups were given without firing a bullet, they tried the military exit, they did not come out and now they have done something that is a very damnable antecedent." The characterization of the dictatorship that you do, the weight more or less heavy, applies to many countries of Latin America, I have never heard you talk about Honduran migrants, how does it call the president of Honduras? "

The driver kept silent and Grabois redoubled his position: "You do not know, I have never been to Venezuela, Honduras, yes, look for the bloodbath that reigns in Venezuela, they are promoting. a civil war and it's much worse. "

"You do not know with the pain with which I listen to you, just go ask your stories to Venezuelan guys who see you in any bar and I swear you will cry," Tenenbaum told him.

"I'm not saying that Venezuela is a paradise, it bothers me to put in prison Leopoldo López My argument is that there is a subjective badessment.Do you want me to tell you that Venezuela is a military dictatorship? " A government that is absolutely disconnected and needs to establish a much stronger dialogue structure, everything happens in the context of the ambitions of other countries involved in the economic blockade on Venezuela's natural resources, mainly the United States. "Trump cares about human rights?" Asked the social leader a reporter who replied, "But if you have a diet of hunger and repression for so many years, that 's it. is a dictatorship … you call a hard blow ""

"No, I'm calling a coup to proclaim a president and the United States will recognize it in five minutes." The fact that this interference is not recognized does not want to see the reality, I'm talking about what I know, I do not position myself on Syria or on Afghanistan. I do not know of any Venezuelan government or opposition actors, and Maduro is emerging at least from a similar process to a democratic process, "Grabois said.


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