The hidden reasons for Pochetti's repentance – 25/01/2019


The wave of repentance in the cause of corruption binders has two main factors. On the one hand, the fact that the majority of people involved laundry in the US $ 70 million. that the former private secretary of the Kirchner, Daniel Muñoz, chose to repent and collaborate with the law. On the other hand, that American justice has opened its own record because the washing was committed in its jurisdiction and through some North American banks.

The confessions of Carolina Pochetti, niece of former MP K Blanca Blanco and environmental member of Santa Cruz du K, obtained by prosecutors Carlos Stornelli and Carlos Rívolo will give a great lead to the cause and could complicate Cristina Kirchner although for the moment no one wants to create false expecativas. The confession of the widow – it is said that she is wearing make-up for transfers – is kept under seven keys and will surely argue that Judge Bonadio, agrees with the agreement, start a set of test measures. Pochetti's role in the $ 70 million puzzle already detected but not yet recovered is so important that Stornelli interrupted his vacation to participate in the interrogation and then he went back to rest.

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It happens that, when he still has not left the surprise confessions of the former Minister of the Economy of Santa Cruz, Juan Manuel Campillo, the only one that the judge does not have. has not yet made public for fear of hindering the investigation, Carlos Gellert joins, The son of former Blanco deputy, who was the wife of the former governor of this province, Daniel Peralta, is another clue to the proximity of this ring around Cristina Kirchner. Another who offered his collaboration was "Alejandro Raele, Son of businessman Julio Raele, friend of trade unionists and Peronist historical rulers, "revealed a judicial source.

Faced with this difficult situation, Pochetti left his lawyer and asked for the appointment of an official defender – as do all penitents to move away from the influence of the K – but he l & 39; ;did. "Almost in the last train wagon". In other words, sensitive information that should have been disclosed to prosecutors must imply a significant breakthrough about what those "got into the first cars" said, as established by law and point to the top.

However, there is still a "hard core" close to the Kirchner who maintains the pact of silence thanks to the efforts of the lawyers and former officials K. The pre-trial detention is the last lawyer of Pochetti before his arrest: Miguel Plo, Gastón Campillo and Cristina's closest private secretary, Isidro Bunin. According to sources from Comodoro Py, lawyer Manuel Izura, "informal adviser to the Minister of Justice, Germán Garavano, reportedly appeared as Plo's lawyer".

Plo was "in charge of disarming companies and accounts opened in the US, before the $ 70 million went to an unknown destination" and that justice seeks to recover.

But like the other defendants Plo should be worried for the next steps of US justice Is that like in the case of FIFA-gate and several Latin American drug traffickers, the American justice will "get done" in the case of notebooks because They "violated, too, the US laws" And is an old teaching in Latin America there is nothing worse than being sued and jailed in the United States.

The strongest index of this American interest – deployed by La Nacion – was confirmed two weeks ago. It turns out that Argentina and the United States celebrated the fifth meeting of the called Argentina-United States Dialogue on Illicit Finance (AUDIF) in Buenos Aires. The main objective of the Audif is to fight against money laundering, the financing of terrorism and corruption, among other crimes. In a statement – which has disappeared – the meeting reportedly addressed "the threats of money laundering and terrorist financing, including Hezbollah, in the tri-border area; identification and action against the proceeds of corruption; badysis of threats and vulnerabilities of regional financial crimes, including corruption networks in Venezuela. "

The meeting was chaired by Finance Minister Nicolas Dujovne, and Marshall Billingslea, Under-Secretary of the Treasury, Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes. Participants included the Chair of the Financial Information Unit (FIU), Mariano Federici, and the Director of the US Financial Crime Network (FinCen), Kenneth A. Blanco, Deputy Attorney General of the United States. Ministry of Justice. from the United States, John P. Cronan, and the Secretary for Institutional Coordination of the Attorney General of the Nation, Juan Manuel Olima Espel, among others. Exactly, the government officials of Donald Trump, next to the federal prosecutor's office in Miami, are those who have the case of notebooks in line of sight.

"In addition, launch the financial alert on senior officials of Chavez and badyze the financial movements of Hezbollah and Iran and deal with cooperation in the fight against corruption, especially the cooperation in the books of the bribes"Admitted a high source of the Argentine government The US government and justice They have already sent a detailed report on the route of the $ 70 million Muñoz in Miami and New York.If this event is also attributed to the environment of the former secretary of Kirchner, there will be a major reason for concern for many.


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