The highest zipper in Europe closed due to falls and injuries


The enthusiasm has lasted little in Spain.

Spain. The Malay city of Estepona, Spain, has been touted a few days ago to have broken a record: having the biggest urban slippage in Europe. The media echoed it and many spectators came to try the attraction. But the joy did not last long, because Saturday the city council was forced to close temporarily because dangerous.

What led to take such a step? The number of wounded. And many of them ended up with more than one scratch after sinking into the infrastructure. In fact, a video became viral in which a woman arrived at such a speed that she ended up being "expelled" in front of the public.

An affair that the city council described as "punctual" but which, in the face of the criticisms it provoked, led it to rethink the project. In addition, it ensures that the ramp has all the security guarantees. Something that belies the images themselves, proving that there are several obstacles to their use. What has gone wrong? One of the concerns that the neighbors themselves have already noticed is the height. And, as some participants have commented on the networks, launch is something "brave", because of the strong inclination that the structure presents. Regarding the famous viral video that was going through the networks, the local government explained that the woman had acquired this speed because she was lying down. Something that, however, is not forbidden. The sign located at the beginning of the slide indicates that it is forbidden for children under 12 years old who are not accompanied by an adult to use this product, but does not stop you from the to go to bed.


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