The historic power outage will cost the state $ 3.5 million (it must use thermal energy)


The final report that the companies Cammesa and Transener, responsible for the distribution of electrical energy are already developing, should be ready within fifteen days. In the meantime, it has been decided to limit the maximum power provided by the Litoral Corridor (which connects the center of Yacyretá to Buenos Aires).

"This means that the maximum power transmitted will be reduced to reduce the risk of reduced power supply before a failure," said the secretary of the Renewable Resources and Electricity Market. Juan Antonio Garade; the undersecretary of the electricity market, Juan Alberto Luchilo; the owner of the management company of the wholesale market of electricity (Cammesa), Jorge Ruíz Soto; and the director of the carrier Transener, Carlos García Pereyra, in a press conference in which he participated

However, officials said that although maximum power is limited, "there are enough power and energy reserves," although they admitted that this change would "make the operation worse". more expensive "because" the hydroelectric power would be replaced by the thermal energy that came from Brazil ". "It's a marginal cost," they added.

According to the official version, the replacement of energy supplies will result in a loss of US $ 3.5 million in savings for the state. "It's a marginal figure considering that the system costs about $ 9.5 billion a year, between fuel costs, operation, maintenance, etc.," Luchilo said.

According to officials, "20% (out of US $ 3.5 million) are paid directly by heavy users, not residential users, and 80% by the state as a variation of subsidies"

While the final report on causes will be ready in two weeks, a preliminary hypothesis indicates a failure of the high-voltage line between Colonia Elía and Nueva Campana, where "an imbalance between the causes, a strong oscillation of the electrical system" was observed.

"Until we have 100% of the factors evaluated, we do not exclude any hypothesis, but we do not see any signs suggesting the possibility of a cyberattack or sabotage," he said. said Pereyra.

"All the information has been recorded as a kind of black box and have been downloaded on paper, printed, our technicians are evaluating it, the final report will be all that will be recorded and its interpretation," explained the officials to the press.

In this context, they indicated that for this initial badysis, it would be necessary to call on national consultants for this type of deficiencies, "which are very few". On this basis, it will be decided whether or not companies should pay economic compensation.


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