The hope of finding Julen has ended in a nightmare


The huge efforts of the rescuers have been in vain. After 13 days of intensive search, the emergency services found the body of Julen Roselló, the 2-year-old boy who fell into the 110 meter deep well on January 13th while his family was preparing the lunch field in Totalán. His death adds to another family tragedy, his 3 year old brother having died of a heart attack in 2017.

The rescuers found the remains of Julen at dawn yesterday as they were tunneling to join him.

The first results of the autopsy indicated that the child had died the very day of his rush.

According to the first data of the forensic report, the child would have presented a "serious traumatic brain injury" and a "polytrauma compatible with the fall". The report also reveals that Julen fell into the well. His arms were lifted and had erosions consistent with the friction of the fall.


"Not yet, not yet!" The scream flooded the surroundings of the house occupied by Jose and Vicky, parents of little Julen, at 1.25 in Spain before the loss of his second son. Upon receiving this news, the father broke down and had to be examined by doctors.

Julen will be buried with his brother Oliver.

"The family is very well known and loved in the neighborhood and they will have all our support," said a resident of El Palo de Totalán.

As soon as the news was known, José Roselló's brother was the one who received relatives. Julen's parents, shattered by pain, barely left the house to walk to the room where his son's funeral was being prepared.

Desolation and deep silence invaded the neighborhood. At least five psychologists were serving parents and family members who needed them.

The tragedy caught the attention of the Spaniards, who immediately followed all the details of an extremely complex search and rescue mission, often hampered by layers of very hard rock.

Well dry

The dry water well, only 25 centimeters in diameter, is too narrow for an adult, and the hardened earth and rock prevented the team from going to the place where the water was. child was stuck.

For nearly two weeks of intense tension, the authorities attempted to create alternative routes to reach the child. A series of small explosions triggered helped the workers to dig the largest part of a 3.8-meter-long horizontal tunnel into the cavity.

Before this tunnel could reach about 70 meters deep, a vertical shot was drilled to lower and promote miners and rescuers.

Referring to the difficulty of the operation, Jorge Martín, of the Civil Guard of Malaga, had said: "We must be extremely careful, here are the orders of the mountain".

Yesterday, the news came that there was no miracle. After the death, the authorities thanked everyone who had participated in Julen's research.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 27/01/2019 in our print edition.


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