The horns of a bull were set on fire during a celebration and filmed


The recording of a bull with the horns on fire At a traditional holiday in the municipality of Amposta, Catalonia, this caused a wave of outrage in social networks. In images broadcast by an organization fighting against the use of animals at popular festivals, it was indicated how two fireballs were placed on their woods. Meanwhile, the audience applauds and celebrates the moment.

"Decrepit show where we could only see the violence, the humiliation and the terror of the fire victims who, in panic, are desperate for the exit, "denounced the coordinator for the abolition of Correbous.

The tradition is known as "embolado bulland it is celebrated in many parts of Spain.The ritual is to moor the horns of the animal with balls of flammable materials, then burn them.For some, this is part of the festive culture of the region. put an end to this custom for its explicit cruelty.

In the images broadcast of this holiday, which has become viral in the last few hours, you can see how the bull tried to desperately escape from the place and he even threatened to hit anyone who crossed his path.

The reaction in social networks has been automatic and hundreds of users have started commenting on the problem. In these comments, many of them They described the moment as "cruel barbarity", "disgusting tradition" and "disgusting".


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