The horror of a woman raped by a priest: "I was pregnant three times, he had me abort three times"


(Hernán Reyes Alcaide, correspondent for Digital Religion at the Vatican) .- The four-day summit on the fight against abuses, which opened today at the Vatican, included, in its initial session, a video presenting the testimonies of five victims of abuse who, from the world whole, have recognized the "pain" of the abuses, They denounced a religious who had forced three abuses to be committed by an aggressor. They launched with violence: "They have sometimes become murderers of souls," they said.

The first testimony published before Pope Francis and the 190 participants was that of a Latin American who acknowledged that "the consequences are obvious, in all their aspects, and remain throughout life".

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"The first thing they did was to treat me as a liar, to turn my back and say that I and other people are enemies of the Church," lamented Abused man, recounting the reaction of the Church to his case.

"The victims must be believed, respected, cared for and repaired, they must be repaired, we must be with them, we must believe them, we must accompany them," he complains. "You are the doctors of souls, and yet, with a few exceptions, they have become, in some cases, the murderers of souls, the murderers of faith … What a frightening contradiction," he told bishops and Cardinals present.

"I ask you to cooperate with the justice, to pay special attention to the victims, we can not continue with this crime, to hide this scourge of badual abuse in the Church," she said. is he complaining.

The second testimony was that of an African woman, who recalled that she had had bad with a priest since the age of fifteen.

"It lasted thirteen years in a row, I was pregnant three times, he had an abortion three times, just because he did not want a condom or contraceptive method," he said. Is he complaining?

"I was scared of him and every time I refused to sleep with him, he hit me, he beat me and, since I totally depended on him financially, I suffered from all his humiliations," he said. lamented.

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"He gave me everything I wanted when I accepted bad, otherwise he would hit me"; he raised to the eyes of 114 Presidents of Episcopal Conferences and 80 other high-ranking religious around the world.

The third testimony is that of a man from Eastern Europe who asked clergy to "listen to these people, to learn to listen to people who speak".

Then a man from the United States recognized the "pain" he still feels from abuse.

"I still have pain, my parents still carry the pain of dysfunction, betrayal, manipulation that this nasty man, who was our Catholic priest at the time, did to my family and to me "It hurt and what I have with me today," he lamented.

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"I have been badually harbaded for over a hundred times, and this badual harbadment has created trauma and memories throughout my life," admitted the fifth witness testimony of an Asian man in front of the camera.

"It's hard to live one's life, it's hard to be with people, connect with them, if they want to save the church, we have to act together and make sure that the guilty give up, "he said.

To learn more about this historic moment lived in the Vatican, click here.


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