The horror truck in the UK: the 39 dead were Chinese citizens


The 39 bodies found in a refrigerated truck near London they were Chinese citizensBritish media reported Thursday. The 38 adults and one teenager were found dead in the early hours of Wednesday after officers received a call from the emergency services.

Although no further information on this case is known to date, sources quoting the media of the European country say that among the dead, there was so much men and women.

The police stopped the driver vehicle, a 25-year-old man from Northern Ireland, whom the media identified as being Mo Robinson and who the agents interrogate as a murder suspect.

British police are monitoring the truck where 39 bodies were found. (Photo: AFP)
British police are monitoring the truck where 39 bodies were found. (Photo: AFP)

As part of the investigation, officers last night recorded two homes in Northern Ireland, in County Armagh, south of the British province, where the driver of the vehicle is from. .

The young man is currently being held in an Essex police station, where officers interrogate him to determine the circumstances of the murder. tragedy.

The truck arrived at Purfleet in the early hours of Wednesday, on the banks of the Thames, aboard a ferry from the Belgian city of Zeebrugge, where authorities began research.

For its part, the British National Crime Agency stated that it was working to identify organized crime groups who participated in the tragedy.

According to data provided by the British police, the truck's cabin comes from Northern Ireland and has recovered the refrigerated container to Purfleet.

Sources from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have also indicated that the container was apparently registered in Bulgaria under the name of a company belonging to a Irish citizen

The case sparked a lot of excitement in the UK and reopened the debate on the dangers of immigration-related mafia. This is not the first time that a similar event occurs: in June 2000, 58 Chinese stowaways They were found dead by suffocation in a truck near the port of Dover in the south of England.

"Absolutely horrible" conditions

Various freight transport associations have indicated that increased controls in ports such as Dover, in south-eastern Britain, and the French city of Calais, have made Illegal trafficking of emigrants Move on other routes.

For his part, Richard Burnett, CEO of the Road Truck Society, said the conditions in which Chinese citizens were found were "absolutely horrible".

The cold rooms "are dark and incredibly cold and temperatures reach 25 degrees below zero if they carry frozen products, "so humans" lose their lives quickly enough, "he said.


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