The hotel in Punta Cana denies that the San Juan died on the platform of its facilities


San Juan Melina Caputo, 17, died Friday in Punta Cana, where she went on holiday with her grandparents and cousins. Her family said that she had received an electric shock that had ended her life, while she was climbing a metal ladder to get from the sea to a hotel pier where they staying.

Miguel Ángel Uriondo, corporate communications director of the Globalia group (to which the Be Live hotel chain belongs, to which the family was stopping), denied on Tuesday that the young woman had been electrocuted to the house. pier.

"The authorities' report indicates that the girl died from a cardiorespiratory failure.These same authorities found that there was no bare wiring or any element likely to cause a electric shock near the stairs, "said Uriondo during a communication with Clarin.

"Several media reported that there was a" stripped down "cable and that this would not happen in a 5-star hotel.We will wait for the results of the autopsy, which will determine what has happened. past, "added the director of communication.

Uriondo added: "The report was written by the prosecutor's office of the judicial district of Alta Gracia in the Dominican Republic, where tens or hundreds of people use the stairs every day. of the deceased girl then pbaded without problem. "

"The law says it was a cardiorespiratory failure.In the context of this tragedy for the family, we have to be careful and wait for the results, and when they know each other, make the decisions that need to be made." , did he declare.

Meanwhile, Horacio Lazzari Mathieu, head of the consular section of the Embbady of the Argentine Republic in the Dominican Republic, told Clarín that "the family had requested that the reserve be maintained" as to when the results of this autopsy would be available.


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