The IACHR arrived in Bolivia to investigate the massacre …


Experts from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) arrived in Bolivia on Monday undertake six months of investigation into acts of violence recorded in Bolivia between September and December 2019. Among the various demonstrations, brutally suppressed by the police and the military, killing at least 36 people in the country, the massacres of Sacaba and Senkata stand out.

Among the cases that the IACHR must analyze, there is that of the Argentinian Facundo Molares, illegally detained in a maximum security prison in La Paz since the start of the coup against Evo Morales. Due to your kidney problems, in the past few days, Molars has been referred to hospital. There, by decree of the government minister Eduardo del Castillo, the handcuffs have been removed. The head of the judge Iván Lima confirmed to this newspaper that a “hearing of cessation of detention” will take place this Thursday, November 26th.

“We will absolutely guarantee your independence, your access to all the necessary information. It is a commitment of the Bolivian government that the archives of the armed forces, the archives of the police, and of all the organs of justice and of the public prosecution are accessible for their work. “Lima said during the ceremony organized at the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and which served as a presentation to the group of experts of the IACHR.

The Minister of Justice also requested that the analysis of the events that occurred between September and December 2019 have the participation of the population.. “There are open wounds, there is definitely a process of rebuilding the dialogue in the country and what we want is that this group and the work that we are going to do with you are participatory, that all Bolivians are listened to, “he said.

Flavia Piovesan, rapporteur for the IACHR, noted that during the committee’s visit, between 22 and 25 November 2019, they received information on joint forces operations, between the army and the police, in which several people were injured “by beatings, gunfire or the indiscriminate use of tear gas and blunt objects”.

For its part, the president of the IACHR Joel Hernández underlined “the will of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the establishment of an independent international mechanism that could help the Bolivian authorities to clarify the acts of violence that occurred between September 1 and December 31, 2019. “


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