The IACHR urges the State of Nicaragua to end the repression and arbitrary detentions


(EFE) .- The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) urged the State of Nicaragua to stop the repression and arbitrary arrests committed during the socio-political crisis of the country in which close to 300 people have died since April 18th.

"It is urgent and imperative to stop the repression and arbitrary detentions, as well as the new forms of violations that are identified," said Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur for Nicaragua at the IACHR, during the publication of a report. Urrejola also regretted that the precautionary measures against the people at risk were not respected and reiterated to the state the importance of complying with the recommendation to guarantee life, l & # 39; integrity and security of all the people who they manifest and exercise their rights and civil liberties suffering the consequences of the environment of repression.

18 people "reportedly died violently in the context of the current repression and multiple injuries" during the first week of work of the Special Follow-up Mechanism that accompanies the dialogue

The IACHR also reported that 18 people "have died violently in the context of the current repression and the multiple wounded "during the first working week of the Special Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni), which accompanies the national dialogue whose objective is to overcome the crisis.

The 18 people were reported to have died between 24 and 30 June, when Meseni began his mission in Nicaragua

During this period, the Meseni also "received information on selective acts of repression, which would be manifested by arbitrary arrests, "

Similarly, the IACHR recorded seizures of land as" news goes into the typology "of government repression.

"In this context, a lot of information was received from people who are forced to flee their homes to hide in safe houses in other parts of the country and even multiple cases of people who go to other countries, in many cases, to apply for international protection seeking asylum. "

The IACHR acknowledges that the government of Daniel Ortega" has made progress "in respect of three of its 15 recommendations

The IACHR recognizes that the government of Daniel Ortega "has made progress" in respect of three of its 15 recommendations for the respect of human rights, such as the creation of an interdisciplinary group of Independent Experts (GIEI-Nicaragua), inviting the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and accept the presence of Messeni.

The IACHR announced Monday that Amerigo Incalcaterra (Italy), Claudia Paz y Paz (Guatemala), Pablo Parenti (Argentina) and Sofía Macher (Peru) will be the experts who will help from Tuesday in the investigation on acts of violence in Nicaragua.

the vice president of the country, Rosario Murillo, affirmed that "with our faith, brothers, we win, we fill our Nicaragua with hope, we proclaim fraternity, fraternity and restoration, restitution Prosperity roads in our Nicaragua, "in reference to the crisis

Meanwhile, the Civic Alliance, the government's counterpart in the dialogue, called for new demonstrations against the executive" for maintain our civic struggle and claim our constitutional right to protest in a peaceful. "

The Alliance convened Nicaraguans for this Wednesday at a concentration of more than two kilometers extending between the center and the south -est from M anagua

The Alliance has called Nicaraguans for this Wednesday at a concentration of more than two kilometers extending between the center and southeast of Managua, and a walk in each city of Nicaragua appe "Together we are a volcano". The Alliance hopes that the pressure on the streets will help advance negotiations at the dialogue table with the government, which so far has reported little on human rights issues and almost nothing about the central theme of democratization, which includes a proposal from

The IACHR and OHCHR held the government accountable for serious violations of human rights.

The violations include "killings, extrajudicial executions, ill-treatment, torture and arbitrary detentions committed against" according to the IACHR, which was rejected by the government.

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