The image of Macri and his management in the fall


The Rouvier y Asociados consultant indicates that economic expectations are also falling and that a generalized rise in the price of goods and services is expected. In other words, a large majority of the population does not believe that inflation will decrease. At a time when the government itself announces the difficulty of the second semester, the predictions of the majority of the citizenship go in this direction


It confirms what different measurements indicated on the image of the Governor. Vidal, although it is even more positive than negative, shows a drop of almost three points in its positive rating and an increase in the negative.

Another data that will surely be negatively reflected in the next surveys, is with respect to the degree of responsibility of the governor on the fraud of campaign change contributors, nearly half of the sample think that Vidal was aware of this maneuver, while 38.5% did not think so

. of the most voted opposition in the elections of October 2017, the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, according to Rouvier, from December 2015 until the latter measure, she dropped to two points his Agent negative, and increased two points of his positive image, a trend that remains in both settings.

The sampling plan was probabilistic. The confidence level is 95.5% and the margin of error is +/- 2.8 for all cases.

The national survey was conducted from July 6 to July 24, 2018, with 1,200 telephone cases. The confidence level is 95.5% and the margin of error is +/- 2.8 for all cases.

From July 6 to 24, 1200 telephone interviews were conducted with a representative sample of the population, taking into account the distribution of inhabitants and the social structure of the region, also taking into account the quotas of the population. age and bad of the universe of population and the electoral section to which they belong

In the event of a possible ballot between Macri and Cristina Kirchner, the values ​​of intention to vote establish a link between the two. Comparing the same issue with the figures obtained last month, the vote decreased in Macri and the former president grew up; this determines today the technical link. Undoubtedly, the socio-economic situation influences the decision of the vote and the punishment of the party in power.

In ranking the net or differential image (positive minus minus) of key leaders to election opportunities, Rouvier points out that ME Vidal leads the list, followed by Juan Manuel Urtubey (although he lacks positioning) and later by Alberto Rodríguez Saá and Agustín Rossi. Then appear: Elisa Carrió, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and close the list with the lowest net, President Macri.


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