The image that made a mother panic: a ghost in the cradle of her baby?


Elizabeth Maritza lives in Illinois, the United States and, like many baby mothers use monitors control the baby while he sleeps in bed in another room of the house. One night looking at the pictures He saw something that terrified her. The baby slept peacefully, but by the side there was a dark image that seemed at first to be a "ghost baby".

Through his Facebook account, he told his story and attached several images of what he had seen. She acknowledged that I was so scared that she could barely sleep that night. "I even tried to enter the room with a flashlight while my baby was sleeping," he explained.

The moment the baby slept next to the
The moment the baby slept next to the "ghost baby" (Image: Facebook Maritza Elizabeth).

One of the images that he has published is scary: on the screen capture of the monitor, it seems that his son was sleeping almost "kissed" in the face of the "ghost baby". So much fear has generated the situation in Maritza that she has not dared to enter the bedroom at night. I just did it in the morning, tired of not being able to sleep.

In the light of day, he realized that everything was nothing but a sticker of a baby on the mattress, As part of the brand. L & # 39; s explanation? The "culprit" of the situation was Maritza's husband, who forgot to put the mattress cover before changing the sheets.

The baby sticker on the mattress that seemed to be a
The baby sticker on the mattress that seemed to be a "ghost" during the night (Image: Facebook Elizabeth Maritza).

The baby's mother said, "Last night I was sure that there was a ghost baby in bed with my son. I was so scared that I barely slept. I even tried to go in with a flashlight while my son was sleeping, "he wrote in his Facebook message.

Then he said: "It turns out that my husband forgot to put the mattress protector when he changed the sheets. I could kill him, " published in his social network account, after the fright that had been blocked by the mysterious image appeared the night before.

The video of the father who saw something terrifying during the recording of his granddaughter

A few days ago, the video of the father who saw something scary when recording his little girl, who was playing in the kitchen cupboard, became viral. Until it suddenly appears on the scene a scary hand of a ghost? This rubs the baby, who does not notice what happened. His father either. Since its publication on Facebook, the video has exploded on the networks for the coldest moment.

It all started when the father heard noises in the kitchen that caught his attention. He went to see what was happening and found his little girl playing in a piece of furniture. His first reaction was to record with his mobile phone. In the video, you hear how he talks to the baby who watches him and continues to play as if nothing has happened. "What are you doing. What are you doing? Maria Jose, I'm talking to you. Hey, "he repeats to his daughter, who ignores him.

At the time, the father did not realize the scary hand it was close to touching the baby because the dark episode lasts so few seconds. So fast was that the girl did not notice either. As in these cases, "unbelievable" network users were wondering whether it was a "ghost", even though others were convinced that it was safe. 39, acted well of a paranormal phenomenon. Whatever the case may be, the video is scary. And a lot.


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