The images of Julian Assange in skateboard and underwear in the corridors of the Embassy of Ecuador


After the withdrawal of Ecuadorian protection Julian Assange and delivery to the British justice system, more and more details are known about the long and turbulent stay of the co-founder of Wikileaks at the London Embbady.

The government of former President Rafael Correa, who did not trust the authorities of the United Kingdom, entrusted the security of the diplomatic headquarters to a Spanish security company. So, images captured by UC Global cameras, a private security company, were published by the newspaper The country and show more details about Assange's extravagant confinement.

From the small red brick building, the activist continued to lead his Internet group, He held press conferences with hundreds of fans from a balcony, mounted his skateboard in the hallways and organized a parade of visitors., including Lady Gaga and Pamela Anderson, who would have been his girlfriend and who would have brought him vegan sandwiches.

According to a letter written in 2014 by Juan Falconí Puig, then Ecuadorian Ambbadador to London, he described the precarious situation of the officials because of the presence and behavior of Assange. The asylum was far from being a solely political puzzle: there were also problems of coexistence. Among Falconí's main concerns, according to the New York Times, they emphasized the Assange likes to ride on a skateboard and play football with visitors. The skate, according to Falconí, "damaged floors, walls and doors"

The ambbadador said that football games had destroyed the equipment of the embbady. When a security guard stopped the game and picked up the ball, Assange "started shaking, insulting and pushing the agent" while claiming the ball and then "throwing it".

Between 2012 and 2018, Ecuador spent $ 6.2 million on Assange's security and maintenance, according to the Ecuadorian Chancery. It was not just about food or basic care: some operations required extraordinary expenses.

When a bathroom pipe was damaged, the computer specialist would open it during his private conversations to make noise and mitigate the fear of being recorded. The embbady needed to repair it, but he did not want to hire anyone. They suspected the British intelligence services not to miss the opportunity to make the most of the income of a plumber. They sent a trusted Spanish plumber to a diplomatic mission of 4,000 euros.

Other testimonials from the Spanish security company's employees indicate that Assange had the habit of giving dressed interviews only from the waist, as seen on the camera. Downstairs, I was in underwear.

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