The images of Pico Monaco in Pampita's house: What went to make the extenista at the top house?


Intruders found the extenista arriving at the house where live the ex-wife of Benjamín Vicuña and his children. The details!

Protagonists of strong rumors of separation, Carolina "Pampita" Ardohain and Pico Monaco give clues to follow, to

All of First, he voted in an Instagram survey on his supposed breakup that they were not separated and then she put "like" and a heart to a picture of Osvaldo the puppy of Pico.

Pico went to the house in which live the summit and to his children Bautista, Beltrán and Benicio. So that? The extenista took his pet and after a minute inside he retired.

Intruders revealed a new chapter in this story by showing images of Monaco entering the Pampita home in Belgrano where they tested coexistence. "In his own words."

In the midst of rumors that he had settled in Nordelta's house, in which they enjoyed their weekend relations, Pico went to the house where the high-living and saw his sons Bautista Beltrán and Benicio .To that? The extenista took his pet and after a minute he retired. 19659004] Yes, Pampita was not in the place, because these days he is on vacation in Miami with his three children and several friends.

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