The IMF accused the government of the crisis and announced that it would work with the winner of the elections


The Deputy Director of MFIsDavid Lipton confirmed that the agency would work with Argentine authorities after the presidential elections. However, he noted that The economic program implemented in the country was not designed by the Fund, but by the government itself..

When asked when they would disburse the US $ 5.4 billion disbursement – initially agreed for mid-September – the Fund's director said the financial agency would maintain dialogue with the Argentinian authorities and seek to help the country to "solve its problems".

"We are still working with those who win the elections and run the country. After the elections, it makes sense to look to the future and see which route would be best for Argentina, "he anticipated on the CNN news broadcast in Spanish.

In the same vein, he added: "Since the primary elections in September, market sentiment has changed dramatically, making the financial situation much more unstable. We were in constant contact with the government, the Central Bank, which was trying to help them in their difficult situation. We will see the Argentine authorities here at the meeting and maintain dialogue and relations ".

Regarding the words of the presidential candidate by the Front of all, Alberto Fernandez, who accused the IMF of being responsible for the economic crisis, Mr Lipton said: "We are still working with anyone who wins the elections and heads the country, we are looking for common ground. Apart from what has been said, after the elections, it is wise to look to the future and see what way forward would be good for Argentina, promote stability and make it grow to new. "

Kristalina Georgieva will meet Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza on Friday at the Fund's offices in Washington. Lipton and the president of the central bank, Guido Sandleris, will also participate in the meeting.


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