The IMF approved the review and released a disbursement of US $ 10,800 million.


In this way, after a meeting in Washington, where he learned extended by an hour and a half, the authorities of the body have given the green light to the third balance sheet of the economic evolution of Argentina as part of the confirmation agreement signed last year.

With this recovery, Argentina's total purchases since June 2018 amounted to 28,013.71 million SDRs, or no less than 38,900 million USD.

Although the details of the conversation were not specified, the result for Argentina was satisfactory because it allowed access to funds after another day of dollar decline, contrary to what happened with other currencies of emerging countries.

In a statement, the IMF authorities said that "the high current account deficit is decreasing". In addition, Washington said that "there are indications that the recession has bottomed out," and they therefore anticipated "a gradual recovery is expected" in the next quarter.

Praise has not, however, prevented the agency's authorities from noting that inflation remains high "and that" inflationary expectations are rising and inflationary inertia is hard to break. "

Moreover, the IMF has admitted that after a few months of relative stability, "financial instability has rebounded" in recent weeks, "as the global financial situation has become less favorable and the results in terms of financial stability have improved. disappointing inflation ". .

In this sense, the authorities of the agency have saved the reaction of the Central Bank "recalibrating monetary policy by maintaining the zero growth of the monetary base until the end of the year". They also pointed out that a new BCRA charter had been sent to Congress because if approved as a law, it would enhance the credibility of monetary policy.


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