The IMF asked Alberto Fernández to approve the last disbursement and the candidate refused


The International Monetary Fund has asked the Front candidate of all, Alberto Fernandez, support the latest disbursement of 2019 for $ 5.4 billion for the month of September. The winner of the STEP refused to approve this new financial rescue plan the government of Mauricio Macri, in fear of a greater flight of capital.

The exchange took place in the middle of the meeting between the mission of the multilateral organization and members of the opposition during its visit to Argentina, after having done the same with the new authorities of the Ministry of Finance.


Todesca revealed how the meeting between Alberto Fernández and the IMF had been

There, as he could confirm Discover, Fernández said that he did not intend to co-govern nor to commit to the decisions that he was taking Mauricio Macri, who blamed the opposition for the economic hardships of his nearly four-year term.


"IMF must take responsibility for the crisis"

On the Front of All side, there is concern that the IMF loan will end again fund the gigantic capital flight endorsed by the Macri government. In 10 days, $ 10 billion escaped and Fernández thinks that, under these conditions, these USD 5.4 billion that the Fund should disburse in September They will escape too.

As they felt in the economic team of Alberto Fernandez, there is only left $ 12 billion in net reserves of the central bank and they predicted that at this stage they would remain at 0 or even negative for December, by which date the candidate should badume office today – he confirms victory in the general election.


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