the IMF broke the silence and acknowledged that the situation in Argentina is "difficult"


After the beginning of a new week at the heart of the new economic crisis of macrismo, the main spokesman of the International Monetary Fund, Gerry Rice, issued a statement anticipating the actions of the agency for the next few days.

Through his personal Twitter account, the Fund representative explained that he was attentive to the country's situation and Soon, they will send a representative to the city of Buenos Aires.

"We are closely following the recent events in Argentina and we are talking to the authorities as part of their plans to deal with the difficult situation in the country.. An IMF staff member will soon travel to Buenos Aires, "he said.

My statement on Argentina

– Gerry Rice (@IMFSpokesperson) August 20, 2019

The message was known a few minutes after the swearing in of the new finance minister, Hernán Lacunza, who then gave his first lecture to the ministerial palace. Last Monday, macrismo again violated the agreement with the agency by not intervening on the foreign exchange market when the dollar crossed the band of fluctuation by the difference.

In his speech, without any further announcement, he said that he was "more important than the government can do, which is what the opposition can say", in order to keep candidates from other forces responsible for the difficult economic situation that it has spawned. the government of Together for Change.


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