the IMF decided not to lend US $ 5.4 billion before the elections


The International Monetary Fund decided to postpone the $ 5.4 billion disbursement until the October 27 elections. Thus, he seeks to sit down and negotiate directly with the newly elected president, who, according to them, will be the candidate of the Todos Front.Alberto Fernandez


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This was revealed by the journalist Marcelo Bonelli in the newspaper Clarin. The IMF is taking off the Argentinian crisis for which it is co-responsible and expects political definitions in our country and then authorize a new disbursement within the framework of the standby agreement. $ 56.3 billion who signed the country in June 2018 and has been amended several times.


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The morning also revealed that, if there was a vote, he would send the money again until the day after the second round, scheduled for November 24.

The data put the Argentine economy on alert because the country needs about 7 billion dollars until the end of the year to close their accounts and repay their debt, 5.4 billion are therefore essential to reach 31 December. This is the case, there are confidential reports of JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch and Moody's where they inform their customers of a possible defect, another after the so-called "reperfilamiento" that announced Hernán Lacunza weeks ago


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