The IMF estimated that global growth would be lower because of Argentina


This is a report that the International Monetary Fund announced upon the arrival of Nicolás Dujovne in Washington.

April 10, 2019

The International Monetary Fund has revealed that by the Argentine crisis has reduced global growth. The worst news for the finance minister, Nicolás Dujovne, was given hours after arriving in Washington.

That was before the start of the Spring Assembly of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, where finance ministers and central bank presidents from around the world will meet this week.

In this IMF study, it was said on Tuesday that the Argentine crisis was one of the factors contributing to the deceleration of global growth, This year, it will fall to 3.3% and will affect 70% of the world's economies.

He also confirmed that our country would support this year a inflation of 30.5% and will only grow in 2020 (2.2%).

Gita Gopinath, chief economist of the organization, presented the World Economic Outlook (WEO): "A year ago, economic activity accelerated in almost all regions of the world and, a year later, a lot had changed. " The causes? "The escalation of trade tensions between the United States and China; the credit restriction in China; Macroeconomic tensions in Argentina and Turkey; the disruptions of the German auto sector and monetary policy adjustments in the advanced economies have contributed to a significant weakness in global expansion, "said the expert.

"We expect the Argentine economy to contract in the first half of 2019 as domestic demand declines with more adjusted policies to reduce imbalances, but will return to growth in the second half of the year, when real income will resume and agricultural production will resume after last year's drought, "says the WEO.


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