The IMF has specified the amount of the new disbursement that will be used for US $ 10,870 million.


"The funds to be mobilized are intended to finance the needs of public accounts contained in the budget", the spokesman for the entity pointed out, Gerry Rice, at a press conference in Washington.

"The funds available in the program are intended to finance the budget and have been requested by the authorities, which is the essence of what the IMF is doing and we hope to cover the financial needs of the government in the coming months", Rice said in the contact of the one who participated "This is the main objective of the program," added an IMF official.

As Rice confirmed, the funds will be transferred to Argentina once the Council will meet to badyze the report prepared by the mission that led the meeting. Roberto Cardarelli. "It's in the schedule, it will be in a few weeks," stressed the spokesman.

The Fund stated in its report that economic activity was "low", but that "Prospects of gradual recovery are good". Similarly, regarding the control of inflation, IMF experts welcomed the government's decision to extend monetary growth to zero in November and reduce the rate of increase the limits of the non-intervention zone.

The Cardarelli report makes it clear that Casa Rosada has reached its 2018 primary deficit target, but warns that to reach a primary deficit of zero in 2019 will require "Greater restriction on government spending".

However, Rice denied that the agency had asked for more budget adjustments and said the IMF "Did not ask for new requirements or goals" to the administration of Mauricio Macri. "There are no new requirements or objectives." The Argentine government aims to achieve a zero budget deficit for this year.This will require strict control of primary spending, but this is not new. It's something that has been in the program since the beginning, and our vision is for the Argentinian authorities to make it happen. "said the spokesman.

Rice also expressed the Fund's concern for the social impact and confirmed that another destination of the funds on standby would best meet the needs, with an increase in authorized social spending from 0.2 % to 0.3% of GDP. approximately $ 20,000 million. "It is important to note that (the situation) It is essential that the social impact be high. (Funds) are kept for this year and beyond, and measures have been included to reinforce this situation ", he said at the conference.

Another planned destination Nicolás Dujovne The finance minister announced that starting in April, he would be able to bid up to $ 60 million a day to keep the exchange rate under control.

Rice downplayed the arrival of funds in the context of previous elections and noted that the agency was not seeking to benefit Cambiemos at the expense of opposition. "I need to clarify this issue: The IMF supports its member countries and its people and does it beyond the political situation.The IMF is willing to work with any government in Argentina to help the country move forward on the path forward. sustained growth and a high employment rate, I want to be clear on this point. "said the delegate of the Fund.


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