The IMF has supported the firepower of the Central Bank in the face of the escalating dollar


In times of rising US currency The Fund's message was categorical in favor of the latest changes implemented by the Central Bank. It should be recalled that the monetary authority decided to establish a bi-monthly deadline for badessing the conformity of the monetary base between July and August, while setting the minimum rate of liquidity letters (Leliq) at 58%. until the knowledge of the next one. inflation data. The government expects price increases in the coming months to continue to decline.

In response to the specific question of whether the IMF approves the recent measures provided by the plant, Rice replied:Yes, we support the measures put in place by the Central Bank and the recent technical adjustments. We believe that these monetary policy changes will allow us to pursue the goal of reducing inflation and facilitating the functioning of the financial system. "

"These measures are part of our objectives of supporting Argentina in its efforts to strengthen its economy and reduce its vulnerabilities." and if there was any doubt, Rice repeated: "Yes, we support the monetary program" (from the BCRA).

When the decisions of the BCRA were known to Rice, via a tweet, then the current title of the IMF, David Lipton, have come to support them, saying that the changes "will ensure that monetary policy remains geared to ensure a steady trajectory of lower inflation and a smooth functioning of the financial system", concepts that Rice has ratified again aujourd & # 39; hui.

The official also mentioned the reduction of growth forecasts of the Argentine economy, expressed both in the report and in the Economic Panorama (WEO) published a few weeks ago: "The reasons for our downward projection are due to lower domestic consumption and downward revisions in the growth of regional trading partners, especially Brazil"

IMF downgraded growth forecast for Argentina to –1.3% for this year and is forecasting a slight growth of 1.1% while it previously estimated an expansion of 2.2% by 2020.

Although the IMF is optimistic because it believes that the economic recovery will occur in the second half, driven mainly by "Agriculture and wages recovery."

For the multilateral agency, the program is bearing fruit "with improvements in the financial, fiscal and economic spheres, it is recovering gradually after the recession of last year," as stated in his reports.

In any case, the manager said that the economy is not without difficulties: "We are aware of the magnitude of the challenges facing Argentina. "

In another order, regarding the appointment of the future IMF title already known for his resignation from Lagarde, Rice confirmed that "very quickly" The board of directors will meet to badyze the candidates and define who will lead the destiny of the entity. The Fund spokesperson predicted that the process would be "Open and transparent".


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