The IMF met Alberto Fernández for his criticism of the high interest rate


After the declarations of the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernandez, the IMF came out to contradict it and claimed the government's monetary program. The agency defended the high level of interest rate advocated by the Central Bank.

The IMF entered the discussion in Letters of Liquidity (Leliq) Fernández started and, unlike the candidate, said that "real interest rates should remain high longer". Alejandro Werner, director of the agency's Western Hemisphere Department, this morning expressed the economic outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean.


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However, the Fund's representative said the pursuit of this policy would result in lower GDP growth. Regarding what Fernández said, Werner preferred "not to respond prematurely to what was read in the newspapers" and asked for time to "understand more fully these proposals and the concordance of the fiscal framework to which they reflect" .

Despite the counterpoint, Werner tried to lower the tone of the discussion with the opposition by saying that "the political uncertainty has moderated" because, regardless of the winner of the elections, "there is a deep conviction that the country must accelerate sustainable growth, we must deepen the process of structural changes in the economy.


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