The IMF spoke of “understanding” with Argentina | Dec …


The Director of the Western Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Alexander Werner, said that at the technical level, the agency and Argentina had reached “a level of understanding” to move an agreement forward when the country saw fit. While the Minister of the Economy, Martín Guzmán, met and obtained the support of Spanish officials, the executive of the Fund announced that “we have a platform of understanding to move quickly with an agreement, to the extent where it is decided to move forward relatively quickly “.

Werner said his job is to interact with the authorities of the Ministry of the Economy “in a very constructive way and concrete negotiations are underway and put the government in a position to reach an agreement as soon as the government sees fit.” “In technical terms, we have made progress”Werner said, in contact with the press, when asked about the state of the negotiations.

The statements were made at a press conference in which Latin American data included in the agency’s latest economic outlook report released last week was analyzed. At about the time when an agreement would be possible, he replied: “The when (of agreement) is more on the side of the Argentine authorities than on our side and they will clearly decide on the environment in which the best time is. “

Likewise, when asked about the inflation in Argentina, he stressed that “as the Argentine authorities have expressed it, an economy with high inflation is cause for concern, it is high and has been high in the last 4 years and it is important to reduce it with measures that help coordinate expectations, ”he added.

In this sense, Wertner said that “part of our discussion with the economy and the Central Bank revolves around macroeconomic frameworks and complementary measures Argentina’s expectations to move towards public policies conducive to lowering inflation and a more stable financial sector “, allowing a recovery in investment and employment.

The Minister’s European tour

The Minister of the Economy, Martín Guzmán, affirmed that during his meeting with his counterpart of economic affairs and second vice-president of Spain, Nadia Calviño, has advanced in “building a consensus” on the value of Argentina’s recovery program as the basis of an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to restructure the debt for 45,000 million dollars.

Guzman, que también mantuvo un encuentro en Madrid con el jefe de Gabinete español, Iván Redondo, approached in esas reuniones the posibilidad de refinanciar no sólo la deuda con el FMI, sino también los compromiénos por 2,500 millones de dólares que la Argentina mantiene con el Club from Paris.

The meetings took place as part of the tour that the chef of the Palacio de Hacienda made this week across the European continent, where he has and will also hold meetings with the Economy and Finance Ministers of Germany , Italy and France, to discuss the renegotiation of the Argentine program with its multilateral creditors.

The tour will continue tomorrow in the city of Paris, where the Minister will hold a meeting with his French financial partner, Bruno Le Maire; and with the Director General of the Treasury and President of the Paris Club, Emmanuel Moulin.


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