"The IMF's silicon program is endless for the future government"


The economist and former macro manager, Carlos MelconianHe mentioned the agreement with the IMF for its impossibility and found it "very necessary" that the $ 5.4 billion of the loan from the Fund be paid.

As part of the week of O managementorganized by IDEA, the economist badyzed that the country had entered a transition process who can be "chaotic or intermediate", excluding that it is net, as was the case in Brazil between Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula da Silva.

And he stressed, as published by the Chancellor, the need for take care of most bookings, whose shortage is, in his opinion, the key factor to consider.


From IMF to Alberto Fernández: "Mauricio Macri has no capacity"

"The IMF program on cluster stones is endless in the future government," he told an attentive audience at Usina del Arte. he must do "something" with the agreement with the international financial organization, although he avoids talking about restructuring, renegotiation or renegotiation.

And he condemned: "Until December, the game is played by watching the reserves."


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