The impact of the far right was a key note of the day in Spain


A city like Alcalá de Henares, with its 200,000 inhabitants, is fertile ground for the ascendants' party, the one that arouses more curiosity and fears in the new map of Spanish politics. Many of those who walk in its streets are college students from different corners of the country, but most of them have had to go home to vote. Among the most local, many are retirees who appreciate the tranquility of the place and who defend them as the same traditions Vox: Spanishness, bullfighting and hunting.

The growth of the group has been explosive. Founded in 2013, it won less than 0.5% two years later in local elections in Andalusia, to pbad nearly 11% last December.which allowed him to enter the local legislature. This Sunday was the day of the great coup d'etat in the Spanish legislatures, which had appropriated the post-Franco wing of the Popular Party (PP), a sign of an era to add to the phenomena such as the promotions of Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro and, above all, right-wing "populist" parties throughout Europe.

The speeches of their leaders, Santiago Abascal and behind him Javier Ortega Smith, they are very hot and appropriate the motto Bolsonariste: "Spain foremost". The proposal to ease the possession of weapons, comes with an example: the first confessed that he is always accompanied by his Smith & Wesson.

The partisan program includes both maximalist propositions, like others, which are part of the common sense of time: the emphasis that immigration must be legal; "Increase the language, taxation and integration requirements for the acquisition of nationality"; migrants who commit a serious crime or who return to a minor may be deported; and that undocumented migrants lose for life the benefit of the "called effect" for their loved ones.

Vox it can not simply be defined as an anti-immigrant or xenophobic group. Conscious, like all the local political arena, that immigration is a necessity in the current context of very low birth rate, a feature that promises to palliate a "strong support to large families" and to " creation of a ministry of the family ", states to prefer "nationalities that share language and important links of friendship and culture with Spain". In other words, if young people have to come to work and finance social security, it's better that they are Latin Americans than Muslims.

Vox's Spanish nationalism becomes more aggressive towards internal nationalism, which threatens to dismember the country, notably Catalan, whose boom largely explains, as a mirror, that of this party. The dominant feature of the platform is the strengthening of the powers of the Spanish state to the detriment of autonomies such as Catalan and Basque, which, if applied, would provoke convulsions.

For the Catalan separatist enemy, neither justice. The "100 proposals" they plead for "the suspension of the Catalan autonomy until the complete defeat of the coup d'etat and the purification of the civil and penal responsibilities", as well as for the illegalization of the parties, badociations or NGOs that are pursuing the destruction of the territorial unity of the nation and its sovereignty. "

Vox offers, in return, "to ensure the greatest legal protection possible to the symbols of the nation, including the flag, the anthem and the crown", thus capitalizing "the aggravation" of the penalties incurred for offenses and insults against Spain and its countries. symbols or emblems ".

In this sense, he calls to prevent any "disparagement" of Castilian, which he defines as "Spanish", in the autonomous regions. But the most striking is his the idea of ​​"transforming the autonomous State into a unitary state of law", a program that strongly feels Francoist centralism. "One Government and One Parliament for All Spain As a Preliminary Step: Immediate Return to the State of the Powers of Education, Health, Security and Justice", says he with more than daring.

The spirit of time reappears in relations with the country's Muslim minority, advocating the "automatic closure of fundamentalist mosques", for "the prohibition of building mosques promoted by Wahhabism, Salafism or any fundamentalist interpretation of Islam "and for" the expulsion of imams who propagate fundamentalism, contempt of women or jihad ". Again, what we think of Vox seems worse than what Vox preaches Who can say that these are abuses? Even more when it seeks to protect the rights of women in the country. But is it like that?

While proclaiming its interest in protecting women from Islamist oppression, promises the "simple repeal of the law on gender violence and any rule that discriminates one bad over another". Instead, it promises "a law on domestic violence that protects elders, men, women and children" and "the removal of funded radical feminist organizations, (with) effective prosecutions against false allegations ".

Nationalism reappears in relation to the European Union. There are no remnants of a position in Vox that is unfavorable to Spain's joining the bloc, but, in line with the far-right mainland, a claim of less than Brussels and more Madrid. For this, he calls for "a new European treaty, in the sense advocated by the Visegrad Group countries in terms of borders, national sovereignty and respect for the values ​​of European culture and which considerably increases the weight of the European Union. Spain in decision-making ".

The "Visegrad group" refers to a 14th century alliance of Central European monarchies which was revived in 1991 by the former communist countries that recently joined the bloc: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic. Hungary. Its program is extremely fair and tends to strengthen the national states "vis-à-vis" the European bureaucracy.

In this line, Vox proposes "the reduction of the European political expenses" and "the exclusivity of the State in (…) the international relations".

If the extreme right of Trump or what Bolsonaro it's undoubtedly pro-business, the vocation of vox is more hesitant. This explains why the local business community has not welcomed the campaign for a possible tripartite government with the conservative PP party and the liberal citizens.

Indeed, his proposal has an interventionist bias when it talks about "Promote the reindustrialization of Spain". In addition, he raises a "Radical reduction of income tax" and "Reduce the general rate of corporate tax to 20%". But, at the same time, he's talking about a "VAT reduction to 4% for the purchase of children and geriatric products and drugs", a reduction in the fuel tax and an "extended system of tax benefits for families, especially the many".

Spain is suffering a lot to improve its budget accounts. Faced with this, the businessmen subscribe to the remarks that Christine Lagarde recently addressed to the Argentineans: "It would be foolish to turn our backs on the work done".


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