The impressive images of the volcano eruption …


The Sinabung volcano, located in Sumatra, one of the islands that make up Indonesia, bursts Tuesday morning when a huge column of ash reached several kilometers above sea level. The local government maintains a high alert level and he forbade the inhabitants to approach within a radius of five kilometers from the volcano.

In the last hours, volcanologists have recorded more than thirteen projections reaching about 5,000 meters high on the island of Sumatra.

“People are afraid and many are staying at home to protect themselves from the thick volcanic ash,” farmer Roy Bangun, 41, told AFP.

Indonesian authorities have not raised the volcano alert level, that already is at the third level of a scale of four, but they refuse access to an area of ​​five kilometers around its crater.

Muhammad Nurul Asrori, in charge of monitoring the volcano, argued that this cloud of smoke emitted by Sinabung is the largest since 2010, the year in which the first eruption was recorded. “The great lava dome could erupt at any time, causing an even worse avalanche of flaming clouds, ”Asrori said.

Sinabung, a 2,460-meter-high volcano in North Sumatra, lay dormant for several centuries before awakening in 2010 with an eruption that killed two people.

The volcano had two other fatal eruptions, one in 2014 in which at least 16 people died and another in 2016 with seven other victims.

In Indonesia, an archipelago of over 17,000 islands and islets, there are 130 active volcanoes. The country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of ​​great seismic activity and volcanic eruptions, where three large tectonic plates converge (Indo-Pacific, Australian and Eurasian).

The Merapi volcano, on the island of Java, has also shown strong activity in recent weeks. On Monday, it again emitted incandescent lava flows.


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