The impressive show around the inauguration of Joe Biden who seeks to ensure a good start to government


Washington is preparing for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden with a setting more in tune with Hollywood action films in which the White House is the target of terrorist groups.

After the historic capture of the Capitol, the capital of the United States became a fortified city, with thousands of National Guard members taking a stand to ensure safety and an orderly transition.

The images were unthinkable until a month ago. There are soldiers in the streets, fences and even barbed wire.

Biden will be inaugurated this Wednesday in an unrecognizable American capital. President-elect will focus his inauguration ceremony on the theme of “United States” and plan to surround himself with his predecessors Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, to show unity in a beaten and divided country more than ever and even more with the notorious absence of Donald Trump, who will visit Florida on the same day.

Authorities say they are concerned about the possibility of an internal attack or other threat during the presidential inauguration ceremony.

A member of the National Guard keeps watch on a blocked road outside the Capitol as security measures are tightened ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony in Washington. (AP Photo / Matt Slocum)

The role of the FBI

FBI investigates 25,000 National Guard agents to be deployed to Washington. This mammoth task reflects the heightened level of security concern following the events on Capitol Hill on January 6. The worst nightmare is that an element charged with protecting the president-elect becomes a threat to his security.

Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy said AP that authorities are aware of the potential threat and have warned commanders to be alert to any problems in their ranks as the change of power approaches.

We continually review the process and take a second and third look at each of the people assigned. to this operation, ” he said.

In addition, he said members of the Guard are also trained to identify possible insider threats.

Some 25,000 members of the National Guard have arrived in Washington from different parts of the country, at least two and a half times more than in previous ceremonies.

“The question is, are they all? Is there more? McCarthy said, adding: “We have to be aware of this and we have to put in place all the mechanisms to fully investigate these men and women who support operations like this.”


Wednesday’s act will begin at 1 p.m. Argentine time with Kamala Harris’ oath as vice president and Joe Biden’s oath as president. The president’s inaugural speech will take place immediately and the first presidential documents will be signed.

Next, Biden and Harris, the first vice president in American history, will review the troops and head to Arlington Military Cemetery. There, they will lay an offering at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, along with their husbands and Michelle and Barack Obama, George W. and Laura Bush and Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Then Biden and Harris will return to the White House and along the way they will receive the Presidential Escort with representatives from all branches of the military.


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