The increase of an import tax affects the best-selling cars in the country and can reach the prices


To gain collection points, the government rose yesterday by decree from 0.5% to 2.5% the statistical rate, a tax that should be taxed goods entering the country.

The new measure, which applies from today, includes all badets and cars are not the exception. With a singular detail: more than 70% of vehicles marketed in the country they are imported, according to industry estimates. C & # 39; is to say, will affect them.

It happens that the tax applies both to those who arrive from extzone (and that is why they pay a rate of 35%) and to those who do. from Brazil (Mercosur) and Mexico (country with which Argentina has a specific agreement). That is to say that everyone will pay no matter the origin.

The tax is the same for imported extrazone as Mercosur.
The tax is the same for imported extrazone as Mercosur.

"Inevitably this will eventually affect the price"They said TN Cars from an importer. "It's more serious than it sounds, because it's not just about the extra-zone but all that's imported," he said.

Since two automotive terminals that manufacture in the country, but also import from Brazil and the extra zone, they have indicated the same direction. The measurement will have a price impact.

"I still do not have enough information to know when this will happen, if in the short or medium term, but it will happen, "concluded one of the consulted for this note.

The tax is paid before the nationalization of the vehicles and in accordance with the decree will be applied "transiently" until 31st December 2019.

70% of the vehicles arriving in the country are imported. The majority of Brazil.
70% of the vehicles arriving in the country are imported. The majority of Brazil.

However, in the sector mistrust that it be reversed. "It's almost a joke, barely going back later.Today we can not know the real impact because we are in crisis"Explained the importer.

In Argentina, most cars sold they come from Brazil. For example, out of the top ten sellers in the last month (not counting pickups), eight have this origin. These are the Chevrolet Onix, VW Gol, Toyota Etios, Renault Kwid, Ford Ka, Chevrolet Prisma, Peugeot 208 and VW Up.

The only Argentineans of the "top ten" cars are the Renault Sandero (sixth) and Fiat Cronos (seventh).


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