The incredible account in 16 tweets of the President of the Central Bank of Afghanistan on the return of the Taliban


In a few social networks, the “Ten Days That Shaken the World” with which journalist John Reed narrated the rise of the Bolsheviks to power in Russia could be deconstructed with the “16 tweets with which the President of the Central Bank of Afghanistan recounted the return of the Taliban “After 20 years of absence from power, they were expelled by US-led international forces in retaliation for alleged cover they allegedly gave Bin Laden after the attack on the Twin Towers.

Ajmal Ahmady, who in the social network presents himself as “economic advisor to the President of Afghanistan, former Minister of Industry and Trade and Harvard MBA and MPA”, a step by step events which led to the return of the Muslim rebels, to compose a text not exempt from perplexity but not from analysis and contextualization and distribution of blame and responsibilities in the face of the situation.

“The collapse of the government in Afghanistan last week was so fast and thorough, it was confusing and hard to understand “, the thread begins the ex-official.

His surprise seems to come from the fact that “although much of the rural areas fell to the Taliban in recent months, the first provincial capital to fall was only a week and two days ago,” he said. of the “speed”.

Like a good banker, he inquires into the causes of his strength, his finances, but he does not find the problem there: during the last week. , taking into account the deterioration of the security environment ”.

“Then he came last Thursday. I attended my usual meetings. Ghazni fell in the morning. I left work and when I got home, Herat, Kandahar and Baghdis also fell. Helmand a also suffered serious attacks, “said the official. and explains the debacle from there: “Friday: We got a call saying that, given the deteriorating environment, we would not be receiving any more shipments of dollars. People spread rumors that he ran away on Friday. foreign currencies in the markets on Saturday, which further heightened the panic. The currency rose from a stable level of 81 to near 100, then returned to 86. On Saturday I held meetings to reassure banks and exchange offices to calm down. I can believe that was a day before the fall of Kabul.

And it continues, more dramatically: “On Saturday night my family called to say that most of the government had already left. I was stunned.”

“I was worried and bought tickets for Monday as a precaution. I felt bad leaving the staff,” he admits.

Ajmal Ahmady says that “people are jumping from their homes to the airport to be under the protection of the US military.”

Then he recounted how he changed planes and spotted another military plane, which “was surrounded by people trying to get on board, while security forces stopped people and picked up embassy staff.” There was a rush. Shots were fired. me to answer it. “

“It must not have ended like this. I am upset by the lack of planning of the Afghan leadership. I saw them at the airport leave without warning the others,” he complains.

And he continues: “I asked the Palace if there was an evacuation plan / charter flights. After 7 years of service, I was greeted with silence.”

And the political analysis: “Ghani was an abrasive and deeply polarizing figure, unwilling to compromise or relinquish power. It alienates the main intermediaries of power and feeds ethnic tensions. To remember for having overseen the destruction of democracy in # Afghanistan

“I can’t forgive him for creating this without a transition plan,” he says bitterly.

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