It's the most extreme amusement park attraction we've seen. And that we visited some of the most violent roller coasters in the world! But in this case, the video shows a game in which they are made jump to the elastic – free fall -, twisted in the air in a small chair and new descent at maximum speed. The bad? It does not exist
The video that shows on Twitter this platform designed to suffer already adds more than 20 million views, in addition to 400,000 tastes and 125,000 RT. Other accounts shared the same clip, some in Spanish, and the clip also circulates on Facebook and other social networks.
Despite the panic that has generated a lot of people just to see it, it seems impossible to make an attraction with these features. And for the moment it is.
In reality the images used come from Gyro Drop, part of Lotte World Adventure Park, Seoul, South Korea. It's a clbadic free fall in which everyone is sitting and held firmly. Do not "let go" people to turn around holding a small chair.
It rotates so that all users can enjoy the landscape before deleting it.
Additional data: Those who climb wear a virtual reality headset, to feel on the other side, while experiencing the vertigo of a free fall.
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