The incredible Hernández family: they have 16 children and all their names start with the letter C


39-year-old American mother gave birth in the last hours sixteenth baby, with the particularity that all her children have names that start with the letter C.

Patty hernandez, from Charlotte, North Carolina, continued the unusual family tradition by naming her newborn baby after Clayton. All their children’s names begin with the same first letter in honor of his father, Carlos, 38.

Carlos and Patty admit that they have never used contraception. (Photo: Patty Hernández)

Patty revealed that she and her husband were struggling to come up with a new name starting with ‘C’ before the last one was born. “We couldn’t come up with a name and then Clayton just entered my head. All children have names that start with C and we wanted it to be that way. My husband’s name is Carlos … it’s a tribute to him, ”she explained.

The woman said that her last pregnancy was the most difficult to date, although despite this she is still ready to have more children. Patty, who runs her own cleaning business, said she thinks her large family is a “blessing” from God.

He added, “God has blessed us with all these children. I know some people disagree and there are nasty comments on the internet, but for us it is a great blessing.

“I never thought I would have a big family until I started having babies. So I thought “this is great, why not?” It’s really fun. If God wants us to have another child, we’ll have another“He continued.

Clayton, the newest member of the family. (Photo: Patty Hernández)

Carlos was with his wife on May 5 when she gave birth to Clayton. I was 40 weeks pregnant on the day of the birth. It was her longest pregnancy to date and he’s still in the hospital.

“All of my other deliveries were made within 38 weeks. He just didn’t want to go out. The other kids can’t wait to meet their little brother. I have been in the hospital since Tuesday. They inducted me on Tuesday and it came out on Wednesday, ”he said.

The couple have three pairs of twins. (Photo: Patty Hernández)

Patty recalled that most of the nurses at the hospital recognized her when she went into labor. “They said to me ‘you were here last year, we see you every year.’

Patty and her husband are currently spending nearly $ 2,000 a month in food for their children and they receive no government assistance. The couple earn enough from their cleaning business to pay their bills, and they hope their eldest son, Carlos Jr., 13, can help out in the family business soon.

The couple, who have never used contraceptionHe also has three sets of twins, Carla and Caitlyn, 10, Calvin and Catherine, 6, and Caleb and Caroline, 3.

The other children are Christopher, 11; Cristian, 9 years old; Celeste, 8 years old; Cristina, 7 years old; Carol, 4 years old; Camilla, 2, Charlotte, 1; and Crystal, 1.


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