The incredible images of the 12,000-year-old Japanese city found at the bottom of the sea | the Chronicle


Yonaguni was discovered in 1987 by the submanirista Kihachiro Arataka off the coasts of Japan. It is found in the Ruyukyu Islands and joins the list of underwater sites, found or not. like Atlántida or El Dorado.

The discovery, like many others, happened by chance. Arataka was exploring the area and he found a few steps, of a blank, symmetrical sculpture, with measured edges that appeared to be human labor.

At the time of the encounter, the diver knew it was a treasure for the island. “My hair was standing on end, it was overwhelming”, he expressed in a recent interview with the BBC. Additionally, it should be noted that the rock formation is 50 meters wide by 20 meters high.

The place was named after the ‘”Atlantis of Japan” and is estimated to be over 10,000 years old, although his age cannot yet be confirmed.

“After seeing (the monument), I think there is no way the man didn’t do it”, assured the diver Kenzo Watenabe.

Since the discovery, several experts have visited the site, including scientific experts from Ruyukyu University. According to geologist Masaaki Kimura, the structure was created by a civilization called “Jomon”, who lived in the Pacific about 12,000 years ago.

“I think it is very difficult to explain its origin as purely natural, due to the vast evidence of human influence on structures”Kimura, also told the BBC.

“After seeing (the monument), I think there’s no way the man couldn’t have done it, especially with all these flat surfaces. It’s really impressive, so many different surfaces and of symmetrical shapes. I really think it’s unnatural. “, commented Kenzo Watenabe, professional diver.

Right-angled rock formations are common in areas of geological instability and earthquakes.

However, there is another theory, another group of experts argues that the formation is of natural origin and not human. According to his theory, the levels of the place are the product of different earthquakes over the years.

Right-angled rock formations are common in areas of geological instability and earthquakes because tectonic plates are constantly moving and underwater formations change shape.

No matter which theory you prefer, artificial or natural, “Atlantis of Japan” remains a mystery for connoisseurs and a great attraction for tourists.

Here is Yonaguni, “Japanese Atlantis”


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