The incredible story of Adrián: he is 13 years old and is the only boy in his city – 18/03/2019


A Spanish program discovered a story over the weekend that became viral, due to its uniqueness. He counts the present of Adrián Beovides, a boy who is 13 years old and lives in Yernes and Tameza, a rural town of Asturias.

This city holds a record: it's the municipality with the lowest birth rate. In this context, the boy reports that he leads a life similar to that of adults: his routine consists of work with the tractor and take care of the cows.

In the city of Asturias, no children have been born since 2005.

In the city of Asturias, no children have been born since 2005.

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Mind you, it does not seem strange to play like other kids your age. "I am very comfortable all alone, without anyone touching my balls"he replied with total sincerity. Before wondering who his best friend was then, Adrián did not doubt the answer: "The dog".

In this Asturian city, no child has been born since 2005, since the birth of Adrián. It has a population of 68 people occupying 57 houses. The only baby is Adrián.

The rural economy, fundamental in Yernes and Tameza, in Asturias.

The rural economy, fundamental in Yernes and Tameza, in Asturias.

Yernes and Tameza is a cattle ranch. There is only one bar, where there used to be a school now serving neighbors a meeting place for coffee.

In the 70s, the school closed, but a decade later, there were still children playing in its streets. A past very far from the reality of Adrián and his neighbors and reflects the problem that increasingly badumes the aging of the population of this region of Spain.

Fewer than 100 people live in the rural community.

Fewer than 100 people live in the rural community.

The dream of this baby, whose honesty and self-confidence have made him a viral phenomenon, is "to be a mechanic". But yes, always in your city "because there is tranquility".



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