The incredible story of the man who came out of prison for the size of his penis


A 23-year-old Indonesian national was accused of killing his partner, but he escaped to prison because of the size of his penis. It was the excuse for justice not to condemn him for the death of his wife.

The case occurred on February 26 and, as reported in the newspaper "Metro", the man was denounced by his father-in-law as responsible for the death of the woman on the grounds that he had killed in relationships bad with size of your manly member.

The young man had confessed that, upon waking, his wife was lying lifeless beside him in the bed of his home in Maron Kidul, east of the province of Java, but that he did not had not done anything to him. Before the autopsy reveals the true cause of death, the man voluntarily undergoes a test so that the specialists measure his penis, since the father-in-law has claimed that was "huge" and was "the weapon" of the alleged crime.

The truth is that the results indicated that the member was average, so in principle it could not have caused the death of the woman.

The autopsy revealed that it was an epileptic seizure that had triggered the disastrous events.


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