The Incredible Story of the Overpowered Nun | the Chronicle


Shocking. An authentic manifestation of faith, miracles and mysticism. This is the story of Maria jesus de greda, a woman who from an early age was different not only from her peers, but from adults as well.

According to this legend which ruffles the skin, The woman not only heard voices and spoke with people she only saw, but she also saw visions and was “touched” by what she believed to be a genuine miracle from God..

¿Was Maria Jesus from Agreda?

Maria Coronel and Arana, born April 2, 1602 in the municipality and locality of Ágreda (province of Soria, Spain) and died there May 24, 1665, was the daughter of Francisco Coronel Yes Catalina arana, and grew up in a noble family that had close ties to the Franciscan monks of the Monastery of San Julián, located near the city, so at an early age she became deeply religious.

being already a girl, began to display rather strange behaviors and abilities. Not only was she mature and rational for her age, but you could also tell that she had a selfless compassion for others. As she grew older, Maria began to experience unusual faith situations, such as powerful visions in which God showed him the sin of the world.

María Jesús de Ágreda, the nun of the superpowers, also called La Dama de Azul.

Additionally, as a harbinger of fate, her mother (who also had special abilities) experienced a strong connection in which a “divine voice” ordered him to go to church, with his family, stripping himself of his money and personal belongings. Without objection or consideration, the clan surrendered to what they believed to be it was a message from god.

Thus, the money was given to the needy people, while their house became a religious center. The place received the name of Franciscan Monastery of the Immaculate Conception in Ágreda and this is how the young María decided to join the nuns of the monastery, adopting the new name of Maria Jesus from Agreda, with which he would be immortalized.

The miracle of María Jesús de Ágreda

One afternoon, the nun knelt as usual during a prayer in the chapel, but this time something new happened. Suddenly, her face turned pale and seconds later the young woman passed out. At that time, a beggar also prayed there and witnessed the events. What happened? The man claimed that When Maria passed out to the ground, at that point, a bright blue haze enveloped her, and then the nun’s body began to rise., until they were able to do so at a height that exceeded one meter. Then, as slowly as he was going up, he started to go down.

María Jesús de Ágreda, the nun of the superpowers, also called La Dama de Azul.

A few minutes later, Maria came to herself, but she didn’t know what had happened to her. Not only did he not remember anything from the episode, but he said he felt “relieved” while explaining that during the aforementioned period He was transported by angels and God to a distant land where “bronze people” lived who possessed primitive weapons.. After his story, the beggar ensured that everything he saw was real and detailed the details of the situation he was the only witness to.

Finally, after this experience, his mysterious visions became more intense, to the point of suffering “mystical deaths” this caused him to remain still and unresponsive for several hours, only to attain the ecstasy that was accompanied by levitation and other striking powers.

After the events his life was in danger

María was harassed and harassed after the revelation of these events, considered out of the ordinary. The news reached the Holy Office, which opened a case against Sister María de Ágreda, née María Coronel Arana. The father Benavides, who gave credit to the event, advised the nun to soften her experiences before the dreaded Inquisition investigation, present it more as a dream than a reality, like something from word of mouth, since we knew how the Holy Office spent them when it came to tracking down heresies.

María Jesús de Ágreda, the nun of the superpowers, also called La Dama de Azul.

The protagonist of this story, Sister María Jesús de Ágreda, is the author of the following literary works that endure over time within the framework of culture: Mystical City of God, Letters to Felipe IV (who, after his mystical fame, has asked to know her and became friends), Life of the Virgin, Ladder to Climb to Perfection, Daily Exercise, Spiritual Exercises and Bride Laws. These texts reveal their thoughts, ideas and way of expressing themselves

¿Why do they call her the Lady in Blue?

After years of holiness and mysticism, Maria began to call herself La Venerable and, later, La Dama de Azul. The Franciscan Brother Alonso de Benavides She says she saw her preaching to the Indians, wearing a blue dress, outfit with which she made her dream of being a missionary come true.

Married had the gift of bilocation, supernatural phenomenon in which a person would be in two places at the same time. The Lady in Blue wrote in her twenties: “Once, it seems to me, I gave these Indians rosaries; I had them with me and I distributed them. , and showed me here the Lord what happened for the purpose of prayer, because seeing me there the Indians was true “.


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