May 9, 2019
The young woman has a very strange condition. Allergic to water, she is forced to live very confined at home and very carefully.
Niah Selway is a 21-year-old girl living in Hastings, East Susbad, England. It's youtuber and it has about 130,000 subscribers, who have made it a person of interest for a reason: the young woman is allergic to water.
This curious condition called aquagenic pruritus affects the skin and causes very intense burning and peeling throughout the body in contact with water. "No matter where the water touches me, if a drop touches my arm, the pain spreads to my back and to my chest. Sometimes it extends to my whole body", Describes Niah.
She refers to this pain in a terrible way: "I feel it burns my skin". And it lasts for hours. He even confessed that sometimes he ended up fainting with pain, as when he was bathing. The young woman was forced to look for ways to make the disease less unpleasant. One of them is to wash your hair not during the bath, but separately.
It's still disease This has unimaginable consequences. "Sometimes I have a reaction in the body and I start crying, but it also activates the reaction in my face"Said the young woman, while saying that she had the same problem of sweating.
And that's not all: rain is presented as a serious risk to your health. She must live confined to her home and must even give up her job in an insurance company. If anything positive can be saved from all this, it is that your internal organs do not share this allergyso that you can drink water normally.
"I suffer very severely and no medication or treatment has had a significant effect on me.", Niah Said, who sees this condition as a handicap.
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