The Indian Army claims to have found traces of the Yeti, "the abominable snowman" – 30/04/2019


The army of India affirmed Tuesday on Twitter have found the "mysterious imprints" of the mythical Yeti, the big supposed beast who would live in the snows of the Himalayas. The tweet became viral and generated mockery. Some other theories, simpler than the discovery of "the abominable snowman".

A representation of the Yeti based on popular belief.

A representation of the Yeti based on popular belief.

"For the first time, an Indian army expedition team in the mountains has found the mysterious footsteps of the mythical" Yeti ", measuring 81 cm in 38 centimeters on 9 April 2019, near base camp from Makalu, "in the Himalayas, affirmed the communication service of the Indian Army (ADG PI, in English).

For the first time, a #IndianArmy On April 9, 2019, the Moutaineering expedition team placed mysterious footprints of the mythical beast "Yeti". 32 x 15 inches near the Makalu base camp.

– ADG PI – INDIAN ARMY (@adgpi) April 29, 2019

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The publication was accompanied by three images on Mount Makalu that for the army, they are "without a doubt", they badured, the Yeti's steps through a snowy area, a straight line of large footprints separated from each other. The prints are 81 by 38 centimeters.

The army of this country clarified that the "elusive snowman" had been seen in this park "only in the past", without providing more details.

Footprints more "mysterious" (AFP)

Footprints more "mysterious" (AFP)

"However, it was an Indian army expedition team that discovered so many tracks," said a military source who requested anonymity from the EFE news agency.

The traces were discovered by a military team that launched April 2 the conquest of Mount Makalu, the fifth summit in the world with 8,485 meters, and it intends to finish in the second week of May.

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While they were acclimatized at Langamale Kharka, at about 4,000 meters above sea level, the soldiers spotted the tracks of the supposed Yeti.

"The team has gathered enough photographic evidence and videos", which will be "handed over to field experts after the return of the expedition," explained the military source.

The Indian Army has also recorded videos of these tracks (AFP)

The Indian Army has also recorded videos of these tracks (AFP)

The Indian Army publication was quickly shared on social networks, where responses ranged between jokes and trust in the military. The alleged observation has also been picked up by the Indian media.

"Congratulations, we are always proud of you, greetings to the Indian army expedition team in mountain, but please, these are Indians, n '# 39; do not call the Yeti to a beast, show respect for him, you can say that it is a & # 39; snow man & # 39;", launched the writer and next to the Hindu extremist organization RSS Tarun Vijay.

"Could not there be a simpler explanation?", Asked the author Siddharth Singh, attaching snowshoe images, to which another Twitter user, Mritunjay Sharma, pointed out that fingerprints they seem to be marked by one foot.

In 2007, a group of explorers from Nepal and the United States had previously claimed to have seen traces of the legendary ape-man during an expedition on Everest, a legend fueled by a multitude of # 39; explorers. first to reach the summit of Everest in 1953Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa said they have seen their footprints on the highest mountain in the world.

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Regarded as a legendary being of Tibetan and Nepali mythology, some experts connect him to an orangutan species that inhabited the Himalayas millions of years agoand others to a kind of bear.

Source: EFE.



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