The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights denounced that the opponents detained in Nicaragua face a “situation of extreme risk”


Juan Sebastián Chamorro, José Adán Aguerri, Félix Maradiaga and Violeta Granera
Juan Sebastián Chamorro, José Adán Aguerri, Félix Maradiaga and Violeta Granera

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Wednesday called on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the judicial organ of the OAS, protect four political opponents in Nicaragua ante the “extreme risk situation“That they face.

The IACHR, an autonomous entity of the Organization of American States (OAS), has asked the Inter-American Court to adopt provisional measures in favor of Juan Sebastián Chamorro, José Adán Aguerri, Félix Maradiaga and Violeta GraneraSo many detractors of Daniel Ortega’s regime arrested in recent days by the Nicaraguan authorities.

The deprivation of liberty of these people is closely linked to an intention to silence them through retaliation and thus send a message of punishment” whose “protest against state actions or seek to oppose the current Nicaraguan government in the upcoming general elections in November“, Said the Commission in a press release.

He stressed that the life and integrity of these four opponents and their relatives, for whom he also requested protection, is in danger.

Daniel Ortega with Rosario Murillo (EFE / Jorge Torre / Archive)
Daniel Ortega with Rosario Murillo (EFE / Jorge Torre / Archive)

The IACHR, based in Washington, had already issued protective measures in favor of these people in 2018 and 2019, but stated that given the increased risk in which they are decided to urge the Inter-American Court to demand that Nicaragua guarantee its security.

The Inter-American Court, based in San José, Costa Rica, issues provisional measures ”in cases of extreme gravity and emergency to avoid irreparable damage to people“And these are mandatory for the member states of the inter-American system.

On Tuesday, the United Nations (UN) analyzed the human rights violations in Nicaragua, under the regime of Daniel Ortega. During the session of the Human Rights Council, the High Commissioner, Michelle bachelet, provided updates on its previous country reports.

In his speech, Bachelet demanded that Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship release all jailed presidential candidates and allow them to participate in elections.

“Since my last report on February 23, my office has seen a worrying deterioration in human rights, which remove the possibility of being able to choose freely during the elections ”, declared the Chilean diplomat.

Unfortunately, almost all of the recommendations made by my office have not been followed. The crisis has worsened alarmingly», He underlined.

Michelle bachelet
Michelle bachelet

Then he recalled that the Police have detained several members of the opposition in recent weeks: “Five candidates and other opponents detained without sufficient convincing evidence», He indicated.

I call on the government for urgent change, which implies the immediate release of detainees and the repeal of legislation which restricts democratic space. I reiterate that it is urgent that the return of my office in Nicaragua be authorized, ”he exclaimed.

Bachelet also expressed that he is concerned “the situation of women and the elderly deprived of their libertyAnd mentioned the two laws that the Ortega dictatorship recently approved: the law against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the law for the defense of sovereignty.

My office had previously warned that these laws could be used to persecute opponents, as is the case. This situation would prevent them from competing in legislative elections, restricting their political rights and those of citizens, ”he stressed.

The former president of Chile said that the Ortega regime “ignores the demands of the international community“And that their actions”limit the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly”.

“Since the second half of April, my office has recorded an escalation of selective persecution against opponents and human rights defenders and harassment against independent media“He continued; saying that”actions, taken as a whole, generate a climate of fear”.

Finally, he said that “reports of armed attacks against indigenous communities have continued” and that “unfortunately the government is still not responding to communications sent” from his office.

(With information from AFP)


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