"The invisible legion": the sons of priests and the new scandal that besieges the Church – 02/03/2019


"There are children everywhere." The children of the priests are the scandal that occurs in this Catholic church shocked by the badual behavior of its 400,000 priests and 5,100 bishops in the crimes of pedophilia, to which are added the concealment by hierarchies, l? abundance of homobaduals about 50,000 descendants of priests spread in 175 countries, which they live their own dramas and justify the nickname "The invisible legion".

In large part, the situation that has determined one of the most serious crises in the history of Catholicism is structural and results from a mummified concept, out of time. The church should change bad, break its many taboos. It's not easy, they answer. In reality, it seems impossible that one day he will reach it.

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First, if it continues to keep women out of management and decision-making power. discriminated The altars remain empty of women, like the ordained ministry, to which they are forbidden. They are more than half of the 1,300 million baptized, but men do not leave because the irruption of women under minimal conditions of equality and respect would mean the end of the monopoly and the status quo that cause so much damage.

Welcome (with a few drops of skepticism) all that serves to shake the tree of this decline, as was the summit of leaders of bishops and religious leaders with the Pope from 21 to 24 February. And with the result of the search for the sentence that revealed the scandal that comes, pronounced by the spokesman of the pontiff, Alessandro Gisotti, who has confirmed the existence of a document reserved for the rules to deal with the case of "ordained children".

Claims Thousands of people demonstrate in the Vatican against badual abuse in the Church (Reuters).

Claims Thousands of people demonstrate in the Vatican against badual abuse in the Church (Reuters).

Vincent Doyle, a 34-year-old Irish psychotherapist, is a great positive protagonist for the subject to be fully promoted. He founded and manages the Coping International website, recognized by the Church, which offers support to the children of priests.

Doyle says that he found eight years ago old poems written by his godfather, who died at the age of twelve. Reading poetry, he was so moved that he suspected the truth. He told his mother: "It was my dad, right?" She, the mother of three other girls, answered only with a tear. The godfather was a father twice: Vincent was his son and was also a priest of the church. He was called Francis Doyle and he died in 1996. Vincent hugged his mother, told him that he loved her and conveyed to her his respect and compbadion for keeping this suffering secret during 28 years.

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The founder of Coping added the surname of his real father, with whom he had good relations. Doyle's father was a good priest, helping people. He decided to create a computer platform to get in touch and offer a common meeting place for the children of priests of the world. Coping currently has 50,000 members. That they are recognized as children of priests. Vincent got in touch with the church of Ireland, which received him with open arms. It was one of the most Catholic countries in the world until the scandals of clerical pederasty began to burst into crescendo. Today, the Irish have voted in favor of divorce and abortion, they have a president declared gay, they have partly lost confidence in their church. Others have moved away forever. The Irish church has changed a lot.

Vincent Doyle met with Pope Francis who encouraged him to continue. In 2017, the newspaper The globe of Boston The United States, which blew up the first major scandal in 2002 of clergy badual abuse and the extraordinary coverage of 72 pedophile healings by Cardinal Bernard Law, archbishop of Boston, issued a new investigation, which times on children's cures.

Doyle reports that the publication has made another leap forward on the Coping site. For example, more than 9,000 contacts were received from Italy, which gives an idea of ​​the number of descendants of priests who is home to the country from which Catholicism has spread throughout the world.

Rejection Another scene of a demonstration in the Vatican against cases of pedophile healings (Reuters).

Rejection Another scene of a demonstration in the Vatican against cases of pedophile healings (Reuters).

After the revelation of the Vatican spokesman that there was a secret document containing the directives of the Congregation of the Clergy regarding cases of children of priests, the head of the dicastery, Cardinal Beniamino Stella, explained that There was a very sensitive question: what to do in cases where a priest breaks the vow of celibacy and their badual relations are born children. The cardinal said that it was a technical, non-secret document for internal use. The line comes from the Pope himself who, when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires, in the book-dialogue with Rabbi Abraham Skorka "Heaven and Earth," said that "the priority attention of the priest must to be turned to offspring ".

Cardinal Stella told the site online Vatican Insiderfrom Journal La Stampa, that a "situation of this kind is irreversible", asks the priest to leave the clerical state ", even if he thinks himself always fit for the ministry". The Pope's "Minister" has calculated that 80% of priesthood waiver requests The priesthood in the world "involves the presence of offspring," although some of the cases relate to pregnancies that occurred after these priests "have suspended their cbadocks". The pope keeps the priority of taking care of the priest's son. "And this does not refer to the necessary economic support.What should accompany the growth of a child is the affection of the parents, an adequate education, all that implies an effective and responsible paternity exercise, especially in the first years of life ".

Therefore, adds Stella, "we try to do everything in our power to ensure that the derogation from the obligations of the clerical state is obtained as soon as possible." Church And it is a very delicate issue, even because of its ambiguity. Some bishops and even cardinals argue – especially if the relationship with the child's mother has stopped – that after economically securing the offspring and transferring the priest to the destination, the clergy can continue to minister. This generates a current that is poised to become an additional shock in the internal conflict against the Argentine pope. This current holds that the Church can not oblige a priest to abandon his ministry. The Pontiff, on the other hand, baderts that the natural law which obliges him as a parent is above canon law and that it is inevitable that the priest priest should leave with the authorization (the dispensation) the exercise of the priesthood.

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A greater mystery is that this will happen if the discovery of the situation of the thousands of priests children who form "The Invisible Legion" is widespread. These offspring are the victims and the vast majority of them have not been recognized. For centuries, priests' sons were considered "always infamous". In the world today, they are victims of invisibility, a lack of recognition to which they are entitled and the love of a parent who is hiding in the name of "the good of the Church".


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