The Iranian regime has assured it has the capacity to enrich uranium to 90%


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.  (EFE / EPA / File)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. (EFE / EPA / File)

Iranian President, Hassan Rohani, assured this Wednesday that the country has the capacity to enrich uranium to 90 percentamid tensions over Tehran’s violations of the 2015 nuclear deal following the United States’ unilateral withdrawal from the pact in 2018.

“The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (OEAI) can enrich 20 percent uranium, 60 percent uranium, and if one day our reactor needs it, it can produce 90 percent enriched uranium. “, he said, as reported by the Iranian news agency After.

In addition, the president said that hopes his successor can strike a deal to lift US sanctions, which implies that nuclear talks will not be concluded until the end of his term in August.

Islamic republic He has held talks since April in Vienna with the major powers to reactivate his 2015 nuclear agreement.

The deal offered relief to Tehran’s international sanctions in exchange for limiting its nuclear program, But it sank in 2018 when former US President Donald Trump stepped down and reimposed the sanctions.

“The work was ready” to be done, he said. Rohani on the talks, speaking at a televised cabinet meeting.

But “They seized the opportunity of the twelfth administration”, he added about his government, without giving more details. “We hope that the Thirteenth Administration can complete this work.”

Rouhani will hand over power in early August to the former head of the ultra-conservative justice Ibrahim Raisi, who won a presidential election last month.

Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi (EFE / EPA / ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH / File)
Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi (EFE / EPA / ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH / File)

Trump’s successor, Joe Biden, signaled his willingness to return to the deal and started indirect negotiations with Iran while the other states parties to the agreement (Great Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia) meet in Vienna.

They have held six rounds of talks, the last one ending on June 20 without setting a date for a new one.

Decision time

The United States and France warned Iran in late June that time was running out to reactivate the deal., to which Tehran responded by saying it hoped that others “Make the decisions.”

The ultra-conservative Iranian camp, deeply suspicious of the United States, has repeatedly attacked Rouhani over the failure of the nuclear deal, which was reached six years ago on Wednesday.

Despite this, Iranian politicians, including Raisi, expressed their broad agreement that the country should seek to end US sanctions.

Iranian representative to the IAEA, Kazem Gharibabadi, at a meeting of the agency in Vienna.  EFE / EPA / CHRISTIAN BRUNA
Iranian representative to the IAEA, Kazem Gharibabadi, at a meeting of the agency in Vienna. EFE / EPA / CHRISTIAN BRUNA

“Any negotiation that guarantees national interests will certainly be supported, but we will not allow the negotiations to be for the good of the negotiations.”Raisi said on June 21.

He added thate “any meeting must produce a result for the Iranian nation”.

The Rouhani government insisted that Iran’s basic position on nuclear talks will remain the same.

Final political power in Iran rests with the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which gave the green light both to the initial nuclear deal and to efforts to revive it.

In his speech, Rohani also insisted that his government has “done what is necessary” to lift US sanctions and that the Iranians can “see clearly” their efforts. in a Foreign Ministry report released on Monday.

The report mentioned in general terms what had been agreed in Vienna and included a note from Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who called on all political forces to work together to succeed in the talks.

(With information from Europa Press and AFP)


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