The Islamic State claims that the son of his leader died in a suicide bombing – 04/07/2018


The terrorist group ISIS announced the death of a son of his leader, Abu Bakr al Bagdadi, during a suicide bombing in the central Syrian province of Homs, without specifying the date of the deaths

The agency Amaq, linked to the group, issued Tuesday night a statement, the authenticity of which was not verified, in the telegram messaging network in which it announced the death of Huzaifa al Badri, ] a son of the leader of the group, in a "suicidal" attack against "Al Nusairiya and the Russians in the thermal power plant of the province of Homs".

The term Al Nusairiya refers to the Alawite creed, a branch of Shiism that belongs to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

In the brief statement, illustrated with a photograph of Al Badri holding a rifle, ISIS did not give further details on the death.

  Photo without offer upload to social networks by ISIS. / AP

Undated photo for upload to social networks by ISIS. / AP

D&# On the other hand, the Sirio Observatory of Human Rights declared Wednesday the death of Al Badri, since the NGO has not recorded any attacks in the area indicated by the Islamic State in its press release for more than three weeks.

Information on the death of Huzaifah al Badri, son of the head of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, during a recent suicide bombing near the thermal power station (in the province of Homs) is false, "said the United Nations but with a large network of observers on the ground

In addition, he noted that the last two attacks of IS fighters took place on 7 and 12 June in the T2 station area, located on the border of Deir al Zur province (north-east) with Homs, and belonging to the "Wilaya Homs."

In the event that the son of Al Baghdadi was dead recently, it should have been in l & # 3 9, one of these two attacks, the Observatory pointed out. ] Stock Image shows the ISIS leader in July 2014, Abu Bakr al Bagdadi./ AP ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

Stock Image shows the ISIS leader in July 2014, Abu Bakr al Bagdadi./ AP [19659014] Still ] it is doubtful that Al Bagdadi was also dead or not, since last July the Observatory, citing sources from the organization itself, badured that l & # 39; Self-proclamation Mado Calipha had lost his life

In addition, on June 16, 2017, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that Al Baghdadi could have died on May 28 this year when he was killed. a bombing of the Russian air force south of the city. of Al Raqqa, the one who was the stronghold of the extremists in Syria, but without confirming it.

He indicated that he was still alive and that last September, Al Bagdadi would have reappeared with a vocal message in which he was encouraging the "Caliphate soldiers" to continue their fight.

Source: EFE

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