The Islamic State has appointed the successor of Baghdadi


A former army officer of Saddam Hussein became the new leader of the Islamic State (Isis) after the terrorist group confirmed the death of his "caliph", Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. This attack was killed by the United States during a command operation in northern Syria last Sunday. The new leader, Abdullah Qardash, is also known by other names, since he has at least three pseudonyms. The United States offers him five million dollars reward for years.

Abdullah Qardash – known as Professor – assumed daily control of the terrorist group, which announced the news promising to attack the United States. Abdullah Qardash, former officer of Saddam Hussein's army, is the new leader. Baghdadi was killed by US forces in a hiding place in northwestern Syria. Baghdadi died when US forces stormed his compound and flew with an explosive vest after being stuck in a tunnel.

Confirming Qardash's new role, Isis said, "He who fulfills what he has agreed with Allah … will give him a great reward." The terrorist group continues its statement by warning the United States not to "rejoice over the murder" of its former leader, before adding that during future attacks, it will not be limited to the Middle East . The speech threatens: "The United States, do you not realize that the Islamic State is now at the forefront of Europe and Africa? West? It extends from east to west. " But this rhetoric does not indicate anything concrete about the real and operational value that Isis may have after his major military defeats in Syria and Iraq in the face of a broad international coalition.

He also urged supporters to continue Baghdadi's mission to release captured ISIS prisoners in Iraq and Syria so that they could cause "bloodshed all over the planet." The news comes after Donald Trump canceled Bahgdadi's death Monday morning and said he was dead "crying, moaning and shouting and taking three children with him". The terrorist killed three of his children with him when he flew, according to the Pentagon's story.

A regional intelligence officer had already forecast that Qardash – which weighs $ 5 million – would take control of Isis. "Bagdadí was a leader, he was not involved in operations or in daily operations," said the analyst.

But while local media and Anglo-Saxons have referred to Qardash, others have claimed that it was another leader, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al -Qurayshi. He was identified as the new leader in a recording published by one of the terrorist group's media, the Al-Furqan Foundation. The spokesman of the foundation said that, like Baghdadi, the Qurayshi lineage would belong to the Quraysh tribe, to which also belonged Muhammad. This type of genealogical reconstruction impossible to prove is very common, both among Islamist militias of different affiliations and in the royal families of the Arab world.

The Al-Furqan Foundation has not given more details about Qurayshi. The group identifies its leaders using war names referring to the tribal lineage, and the nicknames often change. At the same time, the interlocutor of audio also confirmed the death of Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, spokesman for the Islamic State. Al-Muhajir died on Sunday in a US operation and Kurdish forces in Yarabulus, northern Syria, hours after Baghdad blew up his explosive vest.

Trump tweeted on Tuesday that "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's number one replacement has been canceled by US troops". Trump added: "Most likely, he would have taken the first place – now he is dead too!", The reference to Al-Muhajir. But although he was an important figure in Isis's propaganda apparatus, several analysts indicated in advance Qardash as the great candidate for the succession of the "caliph" Baghdadi. Qardash, who has at least three aliases, is also named in several documents internal to Isis, such as Al-Hajj Abdullah. The awards program of the US State Department names him Amir Muhammad Abdel Rahman al Mawla, while the pseudonym is "Hajji Abdallah". In August, he offered a reward of up to $ 5 million for his capture, describing him as a "potential successor" for Baghdadi. Last year, Al Arabiya channel interviewed Ishmael al Eithawi, very close to Baghdadi. On Baghdadi's succession, he said: "I think the main and fundamental candidate is al-Hajj Abdullah Qardash, the most important of the Baghdadi circle."


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